Develop a Computer/Internet Security Policy

 You have been hired as the CSO (Chief Security Officer) for an organization. Your job is to develop a computer and internet security policy for the organization that covers the following areas: Computer and email acceptable use policy Internet acceptable use policy Password protection policy Make sure you are sufficiently specific in addressing each area. […]

week 4 chat

Directions Discuss the controversial issues surrounding the protections of the Second Amendment. Do you believe Americans have the right to own weapons; if so, under what conditions? Please use real-life cases to support your stance. Make sure you include citations and references. Make sure you cite your research in proper APA format.

week 4journal

All questions are worth 20 points: Discuss the legal philosopher H. L. A. Hart’s features of criminal punishments that are different from other sanctions. 2. Describe some significant victims’ rights legislation. 3. Discuss the different schools of thought regarding compensation. 4. Explain the difference between aggravating and mitigating factors. 5. What are the constitutional limitations […]

Performing a TRX back row

1. Professionalism   Professional title slide Presentation looks appealing, cohesive, and well-organized References page included at the end for any outside sources       2. Explanation of Exercise/Activity   General explanation of exercise/activity Explanation of the purpose of the exercise/activity (whether related to sport or activities of daily living) Explanation of personal experience with assigned exercise/activity       3. […]

Social media intelligance analytics

Format Length: ~3 pages. The 3 pages is for the main content only. THIS MEANS THERE SHOULD BE A MINIMUM OF ABOUT 1,700 WORDS considering the Introduction, Body of the Paper, and Conclusions. The Title page and Sources DO NOT COUNT toward the 3 pages or 1,700 total word count of content. NOTE: On the […]

Criminal Justice research paper

Create a detailed outline of your paper, which lays out a summary of the information you will present in your final paper. At the end of Unit 4 on pages 83-87 there is a sample outline for you to generally follow, but I want you to build an outline that conforms with the headings of […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

I need an essay done in the English language and not American English. The subject of the paper is based on 4 questions with the 4th question based on what I have enjoyed about the modules. Each question requires word max at 75 words only. Ideally paper will be written in Oxford style! And I […]

Video Games

the general theme for the report is video games. This the prompt for the report and what you should write about ——->  What properties within a video game can make players addicts? you need to choose some properties that could possibly make players addicts and argue whether they cause addiction or not. do not discuss […]

In your opinion, what would make the biggest impact on organizational culture: a new code of conduct, a new hiring policies/processes, or leadership change? Why?

Scenario: Your next meeting with Informational Systems is with senior leadership. You give them an update on your progress and thank them for their support of the project. They ask you what you think about their corporate culture. Some members of the leadership group think that things are just fine, while others believe that the […]

Right to Work Law

This week’s content discussed both wage and non-wage issues of bargaining between unions and employers. Consider and comment on the following questions: 1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of an employer conceding to union demands concerning wages and benefits in terms of productivity, retention, satisfaction, etc.? Is this trade-off worth it in your opinion? […]

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