
This is what the paper that is already written about:Provide a detailed description of the product or brand (Miami Hurricanes football team) and the entities it is a part of. This is just so you know what the paper is about . It has already been rented I just missing one section at the bottom […]

Portfolio Management – Nestle

Requirements: *Using the stock NESTLE (NSRGY) – Create 20 Slides involving each other the numbers provided below. Follow the sample that has been uploaded in the attachments. *The excel file has been uploaded to utilized for slide 2 and slide 20. 1. Each group of students is expected to manage a portfolio of $ 3 […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Please watch Where to Invade Next by Michael Moore ( http://wheretoinvadenext.com/ ) You can watch it for free from this website:  http://www.documentarymania.com/player.php?title=Where%20to%20Invade%20Next First, summarize the documentary by emphasizing the main points, and provide your thoughts, insights and opinions. Then, choose another country that was not shown in the documentary and explain what U.S. can learn […]

Developing Professional Practice

Assessment brief/activityYou are asked to develop an electronic portfolio of evidence which includes four sections that respond to the following tasks:Activity 1 Evaluate what it means to be an HR professional, making reference to the CIPD 2018 Profession Map. This can be accessed at https://peopleprofession.cipd.org/profession-mapActivity 2 Briefly describe the elements of group dynamics and give […]

writer’s choice

    You’re expected to identify a topic developed from a management problem or question that concerns him/her in hospital , then reflect on how the knowledge learnt from the course( attached PDF) could help to enrich understanding and appraisal of the problem or question. The student is not expected to come up with any […]

Finance your education

Analyze the roles and responsibilities of financial managers in confirming compliance with federal and shareholder requirementsDifferentiate between various financial markets and institutions by comparing and contrasting options when selecting appropriate private and corporateinvestmentsCompute financial ratios, time value, variables, and returns using industry standard tools for optimizing financial successAnalyze corporate financial data for multiple companies in […]

Strategies Development.

Identify a leadership theory or strategy that has some applicability to resolving or managing a particular nursing leadership problem. Identifies a leadership theory or strategy most applicable to resolving or managing a particular nursing leadership problem. Justifies the choice of strategy with insightful analysis of its applicability. Explain how consideration of an organizational change model […]

visual analysis

Write a 1000-word analysis of a visual text (photograph, advertisement, or image) as an argument by comparing its purpose to the effects it has on the intended audience. Your analysis should focus on the use of rhetorical appeals (logos, pathos, ethos) and on the persuasive effects of the visual text, not on the content of […]

Welcome to Sodom (2018) in relation to Business ethics MINDMAP

1) Read de Vrind, “From environmental ethics to sustainable decision-making” (Uploaded) and the two short academic magazine articles on Agbogbloshi (link below) . DO  LITTLE SUMMARY OF EACH ARTICLE SEPARATELY.https://africasacountry.com/2019/03/six-myths-about-electronic-waste-in-agbogbloshie-ghana https://theconversation.com/how-potential-of-massive-e-waste-dump-in-ghana-can-be-harnessed-121953 2) Think about the situation in the film: who are the various “actors” (e.g. workers, companies…) involved? What are their interests in this situation? […]

Transaction control procedure

Transaction control*** Create a stored procedure with the following requirements:      Accept input that identifies the customer, the ISBN for one book, and the quantity being ordered.  CHALLENGE — try this for two books instead of one      Create an ORDER record that reflects today’s date as the OrderDate.        Create […]

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