Conduct Socio-Emotional Observation of a 4 y.o. girl

Observe the student in a social situation that is non-academic (e.g. recess, lunch, play). This observation should help you gather data on how the student interacts with others. Observe how a child interacts with other children. Does the student play with different or only the same children?Does the student share?Does the student initiate activities or […]

Team Estimation Exercise

Choose a numerical estimation problem, for example : What’s the highest number of points ever scored by a professional football team during a game? or How long would it take a soccer ball to fall from the top of the Empire State Building? Make sure you look up the correct answer. Set up two separate […]

Marketing Plan Part V

1-Executive Summarya.-Strategic Objectivesb.-Products or Servicesc-Resources Neededd-Projected Outcomes 2-Situational Analysisa.Product or Service Descriptionb.Vision , Mission, and Valuesc.Internal Analysis – Strengths and Weaknessesd.External Analysis – Opportunities and Threats

manufacturer’s influence on the rise of naloxone price

I would like this paper to focus on the issue of the rise of naloxone prices, particularly due to the manufacturer’s influence. I would like to argue that the long-period of research & development and the patent system allowed for monopoly from the manufacturers. Makes a close market and prohibits competitions, therefore, the manufacturer can […]

Concert Report Music Appreciation-need a music major!

I need two concerts on youtube analyzed and written about separately, I already did the research part of the paper and had someone botch this on another website. I need these two orchestral videos analyzed from start to beginning. Using musical terminology and it needs to be accurate. No historical information. Just analysis. Melody, form, […]

summary of article about Richard III

summarize the main points.  Gloss the main argument(s) of the article, relate the main ideas and key points, find what you think is the probable thesis statement (ex.  “The probable thesis statement is ____” or “___’s overall argument is ___”).  Describe any notable readings and anything you particularly agree or disagree with.  Be sure to […]

Keynes concept of uncertain knowledge

Keynes wrote in The General Theory: If we speak frankly, we have to admit that our basis of knowledge for estimating the yield ten years hence of a railway, a copper mine, a textile factory amounts to little and sometimes to nothing.   Keynes was not talking about periods of economic turmoil or crisis like […]

Organizational Behavior

In paragraph format discuss the article and how it relates to the material.Discuss the following:1. Give a brief description of the research conducted and the conclusion reached.2. State how the issue in the current event applies to Organizational Behavior.3. Discuss something you found surprising/thought provoking from the article. 4. Give an example of how this […]


Using the area of interest Improving self-management for diabetes, address the following: Draft a PICOT question using the standard quantitative PICOT format. Identify your practice question, being sure to include the following:Population Intervention Comparison Outcome Time In ________(Population) what is the effect of ___________(Intervention) in comparison to ___________ (Comparison) on _____________ (Outcome) to be completed […]


Please only use powerpoint provided to answer questions. No need for a work cited page. Please insert question into document before answering. No need for a foot note and header.THESE ARE THE QUESTIONS TO ANSWER: 1) What are normal disfluencies? Should we worry about them?2) What is the difference between developmental stuttering and neurogenic stuttering?3) […]

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