Nickle Boys Journal

make sure that you have a clear introduction, a well-formed body paragraph with clear examples from the book, and a conclusion.  Make sure you are meeting the minimum word count (200) and that you have carefully revised your writing before you submit. Journal Prompt:  What were some of the benefits of using fiction to tell […]

Terrorist Attacks in Nice France

Background and lead up to the disasterDetailed description of the disasterNumber of casualtiesImpact on the infrastructureEmergency response to the disasterTriage used/Duration of the disaster responseProblems over comeInnovations required to intervenePsychological impactRecovery efforts  (including rebuilding)Conclusion / lessons learned

Why are Speed bumps important in neighborhoods with children

Elements of an Essay and a PowerPoint Presentation Elements – EssayDesign – Text-based, regular black font, one inch margins, double spacing    Title    –    Title pageIntroduction – Topic, issue, thesis statement    Body –  Paragraphs featuring one point each    Conclusion – Recap of main point, final thoughts    Paragraphs – Unified and cohesive paragraphs with topic and […]

Stereotype Inoculation

1.present 2 arguments/issues being raised in the commentary article. do the issues in question 1 counterpoint the original article?3. based on your understanding of the differences between the two issues, propose some suggestions for future research that could help better understand or resolve these differences.

21st century threats

Write a 1500-word (minimum) reaction paper on the concepts. Consider for inclusion in your discussion: – Describe the national security risk and threat assessment process. – What national security threats have been attributed to climate change? – What recommendations should be followed to protect the US from climate change? – What is the water-food-energy nexus […]

A road trip

5 separate vignettes with original titles (refer to The House on Mango Street and Mr. Beattys examples for inspiration)Must be at least 2 double-spaced pages in lengthInclude figurative language in your vignettesAt least one vignette must contain dialogue (conversation between characters)Double spaced, MLA format (specific info below)Be creative and have fun as you work on […]


One of the risks you anticipated for the project was the late delivery of the prototype from the vendor. You adjusted your project schedule to minimize the impact of the risk, built in a penalty for late delivery, and created action plans in case the vendor delivered late. You also identified a risk with the […]


First you need to read; TASK 1: CONTEXT FOR LEARNING INFORMATION and attached documents in order to complete this assignment. You need to write steps 3 to 5 must be connected to Task 1.3. Supporting Childrens Development and LearningRespond to prompts 3ac below. To support your justifications, refer to the plans and materials you included […]

Occupational Therapy Admission Essay for the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee

REQUIRED ADMISSIONS ESSAY QUESTION FOR UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN MILWAUKEEPlease respond (limit 2000 characters) Describe an interpersonal conflict in which you were involved during the past year or two. An interpersonal conflict is a situation in which you and others experienced discord and disagreement with each other due to differences in perceptions and opinions related to […]

Decison making

Based on your readings of Ch. 4 A model for making moral decisions (BOOK:  Moral choices, An introduction to ethics. Scott B Rae) how would you apply the decision making process to the following scenario: A certain couple are expecting a baby only to discover that the child is diagnosed with anencephaly, a fatal genetic […]

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