Importance of Being a Global Citizen

Describe and explain a clear distinction between globalism and globalization after viewing and reading the article.Describe and explain a clear distinction between globalism and globalization after viewing the video and reading the article.Describe how being a global citizen in the world of advanced technology can be beneficial to your success in meeting your personal, academic, […]

Education & Income Inequality

Education and Income Inequality [WLO: 3] [CLOs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] Prior to beginning work on the Final Paper, read Steven Strauss article, The Connection Between Education, Income Inequality, and Unemployment. In your Final Paper, you should address the following based on the information presented in the article and other research: Describe […]

Researching Rhetorically Project

Look back at your posts for this project (attached). Then write a 500-word reflection on this assignment process.  In addition to reflecting on your findings, your reflection should discuss the ways in which this activity informed your understanding of research. The following questions are designed to help you think about what you can discuss in […]


Evidence-Based Practice Guideline Write a fully developed and detailed APA essay addressing each of the following points/questions. be sure to completely answer all the questions for each question in detail. Separate each section in your paper with a clear heading that allows your professor to know which bullet you are addressing in that section of […]

Consumer Health

Part One: References do not count in the word count Researchers are continually bringing to light new, supporting, or changed information which shape the practices and beliefs within the health world. You are going to use the information from your textbook about the CAM movement to see if and how the information presented by the […]

Industry Segment for Macy’s and Kohl’s

1.Introduction to the Industry Segment (13 pages)issues common to the industrytrends that have been identifiedindustry-wide concerns and strategiesmajor competitorsemerging technologies related to the industry 2.Company Info for Both Companies (minimum 4 pages)brief historyrecent major events that affected company operationsreview of stock price trends in the past five years for both companies (provide explanations for any […]

Compare and Contrast

Compare and/or contrast two columns created by different cultures (The Palace at Knossos – Minoan Columns and Temple of Hera II – Greek Columns) in a three-paragraph minimum essay. Upload or embed jpeg image(s) of your selections and provide a description of each column and brief background to the history of the building from which […]


Reflections: (One page each) In this assignment, I would like you to think critically, and then thoughtfully write a reflection/reaction to what you are observing, reading, watching, or learning. After observing, reading, reflecting or watching write a one-page summary/analysis that reviews the presented phenomena and how they relate to your life experiences and what you […]

WOrkplace violence among nurses

This milestone assignment focuses on the Literature Review portion of your final project. For your final project you will address a Professional Nursing Practice Issue.You will continue to use the Issue that you chose in Milestone One.In any scholarly endeavor it is vital that you use the literature to explore what has been written about […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

For your first major writing assignment, you will write an analysis of the 2012 HBS case study on Sir Alex Ferguson. To be clear, this is not an essay about Ferguson himself or Ferguson’s management style. It is also not a reiteration of why he was so successful in his managerial career. This is a […]

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