Medical Cannabis antidote

Is it possible to create an antidote to cannabis intoxication, in a similar manner to Narcan (naloxone) for heroin? Does a medication already exist? If so, why isn’t it used? Hints: Consider how Narcan works (think pharmacology) and what characteristics would be needed for a similar drug targeting the endocannabinoid system.  Cite at least 2 […]

What is History For?

The video “What is History For?” argues that history matters because it provides solutions to the problems of the present. Recall the statement “Those who don’t know history won’t be able to improve the present.” Consider a recent event, either in your personal life or in the news. In a few sentences, describe a way […]

Medical Cannabis

Watch Dedi Meiris TedX talk on the endocannabinoid system, Behind the Smokescreen of Medical Cannabis. ( Retrieved from: What is your overall impression of this talk? Discuss three things you learned from the talk that you did not know before. What questions do you have about the endocannabinoid system after watching this talk?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

1. Based on your readings, describe what you consider to be the responsibility of top leadership in a large organization with respect to reaching a balance between profits and stakeholder concerns. Please support your position by giving some examples from the text or from other sources where CEOs did a good or poor job of […]

Any topic ( choices)

Please the following information for a company that we are trying to value (ERIC) and two matching companies: Ratio    ERIC            MATCH1                      MATCH2P/E            10                        […]

Family Issues in the Community

Topic Topic  Family Issues in the Community You will select a family issue that is of interest to you (e.g., premarital counseling, mental health services, parenting programs, fertility treatment, teenage pregnancy, care for the elderly) and then research how the topic is being addressed in our community.  In order to do this, you will need […]

Parental Involvement and its affects on student academic achievement

General Organization & Style (20 points):    Follow APA style in use of headings, sub-headings, citations, and references.     Include a title page and abstract, per APA style.     Use in-text citations as necessary to support content. All should be contained in full reference list at end. The required length is 5 total pages (including references). […]

Atrial Septal Defect

1.    The written paper will be graded according to the Research Paper Rubric attached below.2.    The paper should be a minimum of 5 pages in length (The content of the paper should be no less than 5 of these pages)3.    Must have an introduction and conclusion/summary 4.    Present background into the disease/condition (1 page)5.    Describe […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Please the following information for a company that we are trying to value (ERIC) and two matching companies: Ratio    ERIC            MATCH1                      MATCH2P/E            10                        […]

Family Issues in the Community

Topic -Family Issues in the Community You will select a family issue that is of interest to you (e.g., premarital counseling, mental health services, parenting programs, fertility treatment, teenage pregnancy, care for the elderly) and then research how the topic is being addressed in our community.  In order to do this, you will need to […]

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