
Choose 3 of the following questions and answer Theme Three: Children’s “Voices” in Early Childhood Contexts Reflect on the following questions as you complete the required readings for this week.    Questions 1.How important do you think it is to include your students’ values, perspectives, and interests in the early childhood classroom? 2.Can you recall […]

Discussion 300 words

  Web servers are compromised for a number of reasons which may include any of the following: Improper file or directory permissions, installing the server with default settings, unnecessary services enabled, security conflicts, a lack of proper security policies, improper authorization with external systems, default accounts with default or no passwords, unnecessary default, backup, or […]

Ted Talk Discussion: Michelle Kuo The healing power of reading

  Ted Talk Discussion: Michelle Kuo The healing power of reading I. Own Post Watch the video to learn about a student’s journey through literacy, as seen through the eyes of a teacher. Talk about how reading has changed your life, and what were the limits of that change. Develop your ideas by writing at least […]

Biological Response

    Respond to this discussion post by providing an additional scholarly resource that supports or challenges their position, along with a brief explanation of the resource.  Biological Basis for Psychotherapy          Our approach, comprehension, treatment modalities, research, as well as avenues in which we seek to improve upon current findings, in relation to psychotherapy, have evolved. […]

Capstone Project

   The Product/website: Amazon.com  What good and/or service does the organization offer?  What consumer need does the product solve? What promotional mix, channels of distribution, and pricing strategies are being       used by the organization? What competitive advantage does the marketing strategy offer? – Length: 3-4 pgs – Sources: 4 scholarly sources and 4 sources of […]

Effective annual rate

What effect does compounding interest more frequently than annually have on its future value and the effective annual rate (EAR)? Explain. How would you explain the difference between the annual percentage rate (APR) and effective annual rate (EAR) to a friend with no background in finance?

Undocumented Immigration

  2. Irregular/Undocumented immigration is currently a major concern in the United States. Discuss discriminatory practices that affect this population in the United States and the positive and/or negative consequences of immigration on society at large.  

Any topic (writer’s choice)

This week, you will write a comprehensive APA analysis paper utilizing all the knowledge you have gained in MOD 4450. Use what you have learned from the READ and ATTEND sections throughout the course (including Unit 5) and at least three scholarly sources to address the questions or statements listed below. Use in-text citations and […]

Due May 2 at 4 pm no plagerism

  Succinctly, in 12 pages, address the following: Briefly explain the neurobiological basis for PTSD illness. Discuss the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for PTSD and relate these criteria to the symptomology presented in the case study. Does the video case presentation provide sufficient information to derive a PTSD diagnosis? Justify your reasoning. Do you agree with […]

Strayer discussion 8 hours

Apa format  1-2 paragraphs  references  Businesses achieve competitive advantage in recruitment through concerted strategic planning efforts. Propose and discuss at least three ways HR can use competitive advantage in the marketplace to recruit new, qualified applicants. Explain how technology has hindered or enhanced this process.

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