SE494 week 5 assignment

Do all steps in the given CPP programming exercises. And, then upload the following CPP files LastNameW5A1 LastNameW5A2

Roy and Neuman Nursing Theories

Assignment Description:Roy and NeumanCreate a PowerPoint presentation that addresses each of the following points/questions. Be sure to completely answer all the questions for each bullet point. Use clear headings that allow your professor to know which bullet you are addressing on the slides in your presentation. Support your content with at least one (1) source […]

Rhetorical Analysis

  For this discussion board, you will write a short analysis (a minimum of 250 words) analyzing the “Extensive Data Shows Punishing Reach of Racism for Black Boys” by Emily Badger et al. Include at least TWO elements of analysis listed below in your response. Be sure you have read and taken notes over both […]

Project Management | Due Tuesday 5.3 | 11:30 PM

Please see details attached Risk is inherent to every project. Some risks are more likely to occur than others, and some will have a greater impact to the project if realized. Although you cannot account for every risk, a thorough risk analysis and assessment can help minimize the liabilities of the project and ensure that […]

Science Documentary Review

There are free science documentaries that can be found on youtube or netflix, etc. Find a science documentary with at least 30 minute length or more.  Write a 2 FULL page summary of the documentary, what you learned, and how it impacts your life.

Literary Analysis

The topic I chose was HOME BY SILVIA SAUNDERS After selecting and reading the story, choose one of the following topics to analyze in a five-paragraph paper: 1. Characterize one of the characters from the story. Create a thesis that analyzes some attribute of the character. (Ex: Tom may seem like a cold, heartless killer, […]


The 1930s have become almost a blueprint for how not do deal with an international crisis. The Great Depression crippled most major powers (including Germany, Britain, and France) and left its population susceptible to political extremism, as we saw last week. But we must also keep in mind that historical hindsight should not cloud our […]

Select a country that interest you

Select a country* that interests you. Conduct academic research (4 scholarly sources or 2+2 (2 scholarly and 2 non-scholarly sources minimum) and address the following elements: Core cultural values and beliefs based on research (300 words minimum; cite your research; 4 points).Common communication practices based on research (300 words minimum; cite your research; 4 points)Social […]

Abstract, conclusion

Abstract, title page, and conclusionthe abstract can be 4 sentences: a) State the purpose of the research paper.b) State the research question.c) State the hypothesis/assumption (The author assumes… ).d) State the definitions of your main variable. e) Results from 4 journal articles in your literature review section. Example of Abstract and title page

Case Analysis

InstructionsIn this case study, you will analyze a testing scenario using your knowledge of testing and ethics. Part A: Review the Case A psychologist is redesigning a website to make it more appealing to clients. On the website, she lists several tests she learned about in graduate school. She also posts images of the tests, […]

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