Final Research Paper

Discuss the theme of transcendentalism- take an argumentative stance on how the movement shaped the lives of Emerson and Thoreau. Discuss the book “Walden” and “Into the Wild”, in correlation to the movement and its symbolic meaning. It should cite and synthesize the findings and opinions of three to five outside sources with your own […]

Process Management and Productivity

For this Module 1 SLP Assignment, you are required to Create a servicebusinessfromthe choices below and develop a company around it. Keep the focus narrow so that you will be able to apply the course concepts in-depth. Do not use an existing business. In each module’s SLP, you will analyze issues/challenges regarding Operations Management topics;  […]


In my class, we are reading a book called House of Wisdom and a textbook called “The World” Volume 1. It is an essay that must be a minimum of 750 words. I can not use sources outside the classroom. It is MLA format and I have to use citations to document the answer. The […]

Marketing Yourself

Many things inhibit us from marketing ourselves: fear, risk, time, effort, social factors, lack of planning, and previous experience.  The secret is to mitigate these inhibitions by finding out who you are, where you derive confidence, and what you are passionate about; and then make your intentions and actions congruent to that knowledge.  With a […]

Workout Observation

Using YouTube the internet or if possibly a safe environment witness three workouts that include a professional practitioner and a person with either a condition or disease state that requires special attention. Compare and contrast the sessions. Critique the professional’s rapport, exercise choice, description to the exercise and overall effectiveness in a 3 page paper […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

links to videos are posted.. The Muriel Wright Detention Center, here in Santa Clara, CA, for you to get an idea of how relatively lower level female offenders can be locked up in a secure (locked) facility such as this facility (or in a juvenile hall). Division of Youth Services Careers, Missouri Department of […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Write an essay discussing the weakness and or /strength of the U.S. criminal justice system.Thinking points/ points to ponder1. Take a stand/ positionArgue either weak or strong2. Give your reasons for your stand/position3. What do you think should be done to make it better/ further better.      ntroductionIntroduce your essay formally.The first few sentences […]


Kellerman, B. (2010). Leadership: Essential selections on power, authority, and influence. New York: McGraw-Hill.Please follow the instruction and write based on the book.In Part 1 of the Kellerman book, we are introduced to 18 important contributors to the world of management and leadership thought. Contrast the leadership of Confucius (Eastern) with that of one Western […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

identify the main argument (thesis) of Marmon for your preparation. TYPE the argument, either by quoting the author or paraphrasing the authors argument and include the page number. SUMMARIZE how the author supports his or her thesis. To conclude your preparation, REFLECT on your response to the reading.

restaurant review

Visit a quick food service venue and write a summary of observations which includes: venue location, hours of operation, number of employees working, number of guests (who are they), safety protocols, layout, technology in use, menu selection, advertising/marketing, and decor/theme- pictures are recommended.

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