tv show crime

 Choose a television show or movie that shows procedures/or a process to collect evidence from a violent crime scene that differs from the actual procedures/process that you have learned in this course. Discuss how these procedures or processes regarding evidence collection differ from the actual reality of a real crime scene investigation. 


   Study daily 05/ U-7  Topic: Nutrition, Exercise, Stress Management: Clinical Prevention Intervention and Evaluation. You have a client from a vulnerable population (e.g., an economically disadvantaged older adult) who needs to begin lifestyle changes with nutrition, exercise, and stress management modifications. Discuss how you would approach nutrition, exercise, and/or stress management counseling. Address food […]

Explain in detail the different Physiological changes that occur due to aging

The Personal Context of Later Life .A] Introduction.B] What are Older Adults Like ?      1. The Demographics of Aging.      2. How long will you Live ?      3. The 3rd 4th Age Distinction.C] Physical Changes  And Health :      1. Biological Theories of Aging :          […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

The essay must be typed, doublespaced and at least 5-6 pages in length. Please include a cover page and reference page (these two pages are in addition to the 5-6 essay pages). Your writing should be clear, well organized, show strong evidence of critical thinking, and demonstrate mastery of grammar, spelling, and American Psychological Association […]

Modern Korean History

This is the paper for the final exam but there is no topic yet. It should be based on the readings assigned for this course and learned in the lectures, since there has a lot of readings materials so it should be readed at first and the topics of the paper will be given on […]

Personal Financial Plan

Need to make a Personal financial plan. Please mock up financial plan as if it were for a senior in college. General outline for the project:Sections:1. Budget 2. Net worth statement 3. Financial independence analysis – income, budget and retirement goals 4. Investment and retirement plan strategy 5. Insurance and estate planning Directions:Use the plan […]

Assignment 1

Part I Review the synopsis and recommendations you developed in RED 554 with the classroom teacher and university instructor, determining that your recommendations are still feasible for this student and this classroom (IRA/ILA 3.3) 5 points Part II Conduct six (6) focused sessions with this student utilizing the strategies you developed for him/her. Each session […]

An Athlete Dying Young

ENG 112: Annotated Bibliography of (potentially) Final Essay Sources For this assignment, you need to obtain three academic sources that you are considering using in your Final Essay assignment.  These sources must be found through the library resources (catalog, databases, etc), and can either provide support for your argument, or counter your analysis argument (in […]

final project

Final Project Instructions For your final project, you will choose the side of the defense attorney or the prosecuting attorney. You can only choose one side. With your role in mind, read the fact pattern and then read the instructions below.Facts:A murder was committed in a small town and John B. Bad is the main […]

Culture is a uniquely human invention and thus non-human primates do not possess culture. Support or refute this statement by presenting evidence from studies of captive and wild primates. Be sure to thoroughly discuss how different researchers (in a vari

I have included the topic questions and final paper instructions. This is an argumentative research paper. I have also included all the references that should be used. No other outside sources. Make sure to read the instructions that I attached. Add a title page and references page. 6 pages of work that DOES NOT include […]

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