RLGN 360 Forum 4 (Module 8)

Discussion Board Forum 4,  It must also meet the required word count of 250500 words Note: For the forums using the Coley book (Forum 4 and Forum 8), please make sure to include clear support from this textbook in your thread and your replies. In specific, please include at least 2 direct quotes from the […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Critical Thinking/Engagement Assignment #1 You must attempt all questions. Part 1. (25 points) Go the following website: http://www.pbs.org/race/002_SortingPeople/002_00-home.htm Were your results surprising? Why or why not?How do your results impact the way you understand race?Do you think there is a specific or narrow expectation for how people of a race are assumed to look? What […]

Application of chapter 10

Based on Chapter 10, answer the following questions. 1. What are three things you should never do when developing others and why? 2. What are three things you should always do when developing others and why? Answer with at least 100 words for each.

English quiz question

We could, you know. We can live any way we want. People take vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience–even of silence–by choice. The thing is to stalk your calling in a certain skilled and supple way, to locate the most tender and live spot and plug into that pulse. This is yielding, not fighting. A […]


There are three questions. For the 1st and 2nd question, there is one article you need to read. For the 3rd question, you need to read two articles to answer the question. Please provide minimum 275 words for each answer. You can directly answer the question without any format. I really appreciate any help you […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Please read these instructions and follow them to the letter. Points will be deducted for improper format and not meeting the three-page rule.A suggested strategy for completing this assignment and ensuring maximum points would be to answer the following questions:1. What foundations helped shape modern law enforcement (eras of policing)?2. What law enforcement structures grew […]

Poverty and the Social Effects It Has on the Black Community

The final paper should be 10 double-spaced pages in length, exclusive of title page, abstract, should you wish to include it, and any end note and bibliography pages. It is preferred that you use Microsoft Word if possible, one (1) inch margins on all sides.  The font should be Times New Roman. The finished paper […]

NSC Structure Comparison Paper

NSC Structure Comparison Paper. In this 2,0002,500- word paper, the student will examine how different presidents have structured the National Security Council. Specifically, the student will discuss: 1) how the 2 modern NSC structures are similar, 2) how the 2 structures are different, 3) the strengths of each formation, 4) the weaknesses of each structure, […]

History, Culture, and Social Contexts of Sport

For this assignment, please provide the following: —–For this assignment, I chose Race (black/white) in Sports, List and briefly describe the selected topic.Briefly describe the significance of this topic and your rationale for researching this particular topic.Briefly describe and list sources you will use when researching this topic (i.e. specific journals, books, articles, etc.). Remember, […]

health economics discussion board

All discussion board posts have to be based on evidence from peer-reviewed articles, reports, data from agencies (such as CDC, NIH, AHRQ, NCQA, CMS and others), or the textbook.  You must demonstrate that you have read and understood concepts even when providing a position, point of view or opinion based on critically reviewing evidence. Discussion […]

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