Application questions

Answer the following questions in your text and submit the answers and any supporting spreadsheets to the Week Two Dropbox. Your responses must show depth and breadth of the applied economic concepts. Application Question 6, page 85 Why would we expect that the price elasticity of demand for the product of an individual firm would […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

1. Explain how The Princess and the Fog can be used as a way to teach and advocate for young children who are experiencing depression at a young age (4-6 sentences). 2. What does it mean to pass? How is passing applicable to your own situation or to the lives of those around you? (8 […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

1. Explain how The Princess and the Fog can be used as a way to teach and advocate for young children who are experiencing depression at a young age (4-6 sentences). 2. What does it mean to pass? How is passing applicable to your own situation or to the lives of those around you? (8 […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

1. Explain how The Princess and the Fog can be used as a way to teach and advocate for young children who are experiencing depression at a young age (4-6 sentences). 2. What does it mean to pass? How is passing applicable to your own situation or to the lives of those around you? (8 […]


Below is cartoon that touch on the subject of leadership and diversity. You have wide latitude in what you choose to write about. Here is a list of topics you might choose from: What does the cartoon ‘say’ to you?  How do you interpret the cartoon’s meaning?  Have you had a similar experience?  Did the […]

Analogical Representation zaps write-up

The summaries are intended to provide practice in writing about psychological experiments concisely and informatively. In each abstract, you should discuss the theory that informs the experiment, briefly summarize the experiment methods, present your data and the class data (including at least one table or figure), and discuss the implications with relation to the underlying […]

Reaction paper

Obstacles to diversity can stem from various levels, including personal, group, and institutional. Please describe a real-life situation where you experienced or observed prejudice, discrimination, stereotyping, or perceptual bias. This can be a situation you or someone you know has experienced or a story from news media sources.  What was the impact?  How was it […]

Radical Reconstruction

What covers in the essay: 1.Causes,2. Short-term Consequences, 3. Long-term Consequences,4. Important Events, 5. Important People, 6. How does this topic help you to understand the United States today, and  7. Primary sources as your evidence.  Only source you can use for the essay is an online textbook, heres the link: NO OUTSIDE SOURCES

Travel, living, or working experiences in your own or other communities (500 words limit)

Travel, living, or working experiences in your own or other communities (500 words limit) I have a draft.  it is still rough.  I don’t like the conclusion.  I think it is abrupt. Maybe I want to briefly add a particular touching incident or perhaps a memorable request for a bouquet or a moment that especially […]

Keith v. County of Oakland,

Analyze the case and opinion in Keith v. County of Oakland, 2013 U.S. App. LEXIS 595 (6th Cir.) located in your textbook on pp. 337-342. Write a case study review of Judge Griffins opinion that answers the questions below. Support your review with analysis and evidence from the unit reading and outside sources. What are […]

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