Character Traits and Work Ethic

1. Which character traits associated with a strong work ethic do you already possess? How will they help you in the future? 2. Which character traits associated with a strong work ethic do you not currently possess, but would like to work on in the future? How do you intend to develop these qualities? 3. […]

The Study of Body Motion or Body Behavior

KINESICS: the study of body motion or body behavior.Emblems: gestures that have a direct verbal translation and can stand alone such as the ok sign.Illustrators: gestures that complement our words such as pointing when giving directions.Regulators: gestures that may prolong or terminate the conversation such as looking at your watch, walking away, or nodding and […]

Political Islamic Concepts

In one or two sentences, provide a definition/description of the following concepts. You can use online resources to complete this assignment. Hanafi Maliki Hanbali Shafi al-Ghazali Kalam Ibn Arabi Mecelle Averroes Mawdudi Wahhabi Naqshbandi Muhammadiyya (Indonesia) Maslaha Fatwa Afghani Rashid Rida Khomeini Shia theory of Imamate Twelver Shi’ism Zaydi Ibadi Ahl al Sunna AKP (turkey) […]

Twitter’s economic analysis

A current economic analysis  Twitter in terms of the various market structure(s) in which the company operates, namely perfect competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly and/or monopoly.Make research to understand these individual market structures and how which one(s) fit the individual customer segment (businesses and users) and why, and how these market structures impact the competitive nature […]

Health Care

Address coronavirus disease 2019 vaccine hesitancy in Black Americans, using health belief model1. Briefly describe the topic and why HBM is chosen for the target population2.  Describe and apply  the constructs of the HBM to the target population (at least one paragraph for each construct)3. Indicate evaluation of your intervention4. Summarize in one paragraph

Guidance and Discipline

Directions: Be sure to make an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English, spelling and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be four (4) pages in length; refer to the “Assignment […]

Performance Analysis of Tesla, Inc. Suppliers’ supply chain

Structure:1.    Introduction up to 300 words to present organisation (Tesla Inc.), time period (i.e. last 5 years) and supply chain stage under analysis (Tesla Suppliers’ supply chain)2.    How in the performance of this segment of the organisations supply chain perceived by internal and external stakeholders about 700 words. Draw on secondary and primary evidence from […]

what does this story have to teach us about empathy for others?

The article Does Reading Fiction Make Us Better People?( ) examines the idea that reading fiction enhances our compassion and empathythat is, our ability to identify with other peoples experiences and relate to what they feel and think in their interior lives (Hammond). A story may introduce us to human concerns and emotions by painting […]


In this brief (3-5 page) paper, you will use both the structural and human resource frames to explain and make sense of an organizational mini-case with which you are familiar (note: this must be an education organization). The mini-case might derive from an organization you now work in or have worked in, or from a […]


For this assignment you will write a 2-3pages (single-spaced; 1500 words) narrative essay about an instance of learning (or teaching) about your particular interest (pet community) that took place somewhere other than a school setting. The goal is to think about how the experience contributed to your learning in ways that we dont see in […]

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