what is literature?

For this paper, you will develop an argument that you began exploring in the Week 2 discussion, which asked, “What is literature?”Your paper will answer that question using the following format:  “This story is an excellentexample of literature because it provides meaning about X.”  Examples of how you might fill-in “X” include “children and parenting,” […]

Claims with reason

Description Choose a side on this issue to argue for or against. Argument is key.  A presentation of ideas and information will not suffice.  You must include argument. Take a stand Note: The following topics are meant only to serve as examples of the kinds of policy issues that are presented in these particular fields. […]

Changing Behaviors

REMEMBER THIS IS A CONTINUANCE FROM THE LAST 2 PAPERS YOU’VE DONEContinue to take baseline measurements on your behavior. Remember to measure behavior without trying to make any changes at this point.Discuss at least five positive punishments that would be effective for you personally.  Remember that positive punishment is something you dislike that is added […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

are sports players more extroverted or introverted compared to Esports players (video game professional players) please answer this question and argue:1- sports players are more extroverted? why? what are the findings that suggest that? reference2- Esport players are more introverted? why ? what are the finding that suggest that? reference Below are some references that […]

Personal Spiritual Growth Plan Paper

PERSONAL SPIRITUAL GROWTH PLAN ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONSOVERVIEW In a previous assignment, you gave a group of people a spiritual assessment to evaluate where they are in relation to the biblical marks of a disciple. In this assignment, you will develop a personalized growth plan. INSTRUCTIONS For this assignment, you will select either one of those assessments […]

Interscetionality in disability

Racism and ableism are often viewed as parallel systems of oppression that work separately and simultaneously to perpetuate social hierarchy. This topic is significant to disability history because there are countless instances across history of black and brown bodies being pathologized to continue white supremacy throughout history. The “minority model” framework of disability rights has […]

About Rita Dove

English 1302 Research PaperFor your final assignments in English 1302, you will write a research paper that is approximately 1,500 words. Your paper will be focused on any of the authors from the last unit of our course. As you will recall from our weekly readings, these African American authors present a distinct perspective that […]

Forensic Assessment Validity and Reliability

Add on to the pages that you have in previous order to make it 20 pages.For your major project in this course, you will be writing a 20 page paper on one of the following categorie of psychological testing: Forensic Assessment In your major paper, you will complete a literature review that includes at least […]


The paper should be 4-5 pages long but no more than 10. By ‘argumentative’ I mean your positions, thoughts, and arguments towards a philosophical problem. The bulk of the paper should consist of your arguments and positions. Note that no papers will even qualify for an A unless they are reasonably free of grammatical and […]

M5: Case Scenario Discussion

InstructionsRead Rachel’s story of Culture and Identity: Life Stories for Counselors and Therapists. Then, respond to the prompts below. What additional themes do you see emerging from this story that the authors did not highlight?What questions would you want to ask each member of the immediate family to help with your assessment of this case?What […]

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