Module 11 HUM Term paper proposal

Term Paper ProposalIntroduction ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS BELOW!!! PLEASE FOLLOW DIRECTIONS!!! TOPIC I AM PROPOSING WILL BE: Video Game Addiction The AssignmentWrite a short paper in MLA format, between one half and one page explaining your topic, why you chose it, how it relates to course concepts we have (or will) cover, how your topic […]

Comparison paper

library website to find a peer-reviewed, empirical article that is conceptually related to your favorite article that we have discussed in class. Briefly summarize the article you find and compare it to the article from class. Do you think it’s an improvement on the methodology of that article? Why or why not? Make sure to […]

Module 10 HUM Discussion 6

Discussion 6NOTE: Because of this module’s heavy reading assignment I am giving you a few extra days to complete this discussion.  I am going to give you until 11:59 PM on 31 OCT to get it completed.The Discussion AssignmentAfter completing this weeks reading assignment, answer two of the following questions (one from each module), and […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Evolution, Religion, and Intelligent Design Many people mistakenly believe that a belief in evolution precludes a belief in God or intelligent design; in other words, some people falsely think that one must be an atheist or agnostic to believe in evolution and the Big Bang. The Catholic Church is one example of a religious institution […]

nutrition for cross country runner

3 REFERENCES AND SCREENSHOTS OF THE DIET ANALYSES REQUIRED You will use to analyze the cross country runner’s diet. First, enter an athlete’s profile that is reasonable for that sport (age, gender, height, weight, activity level) and set a realistic macro distribution (look for the settings menu). Next, enter the foods the player ate […]

Tough Course

If you choose to do this assignment, first, please read the attached document. Then write a complete essay of about two to three double-spaced pages. Essays less than two double spaced pages will not be sored. Your essay will include a brief summary of the major points in the document. From there, also using this […]

Module 9 HUM Discussion 5

Discussion 5The Discussion AssignmentAfter completing this weeks reading assignment, answer two of the following questions (one from each module), and then read and comment on at least four of your fellow students postings. Note that two of these questions come from last weeks reading and two from this weeks reading. You may answer a third […]

Module 7 HUM Discussion 4

Discussion 4The Discussion Assignment answer two of the following questions (one from each module), You may answer a third questions for up to 30 points extra credit!  If you use an outside source, be sure to mention what it was and where you found it. Questins: (From Module 6) What do you consider to be […]

Module 8 HUM Media essay 2

Media Essay Two The AssignmentFind an article in the media (not more than one year old) that demonstrates issues and controversies surrounding the use or development of technology in our society. The article chosen should deal with at least one or more of the concepts or questions covered in the reading up to this point […]

Creation of Measurable Outcomes in Co-Occurring Disorders

you are to create the following three: intervention grid, evaluation, and care plan Find a newspaper article about a person (such as a politician, athlete, musician, or movie star) whose ethnicity and/or cultural background differs from your own, who has had an encounter with a system (such as criminal justice, welfare, unemployment, psychiatric, child welfare […]

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