Rhetorical Analysis of an ad or branding

500-700 wordsDue Thursday, 9/19 (Submitted as an editable file to our course Canvas page.)Look around you.  Unless youre in the middle of the woods or an ocean, youwill probably see dozens of ads.  And Im not just talking aboutcommercialslogos, branding, and flyers all count as advertisements.  Ads areso commonplace, so plentiful that we almost never […]

Hampton-Roads Youth Non-Profit Organizations

The NPOs that I want to be used and research will be: 1. New Vision Youth Serviceshttps://newvisionyouthservicesinc.org/ 2. Transitions Family Violence Serviceshttps://www.transitionsfvs.org/ In this paper, you will summarize each organization and its mission. Then you will compare and contrast their strengths and weaknesses. Combine all your research from the paper and the Community Analysis Paper […]

Diabetes in Hispanic Overweight Adolescents

Create an annotated bibliography of research related to this problem. In your annotated bibliography, include the following:     Six resources (Not older than 3 years) on the identified public health problem related to the research question.    For each source, write a brief summary of the key points of the study. Include the problem, main research […]

Social Media in International Business (Instagram)

Hey so all you have to do is Diary Entry 1. It’s a Thematic Diary and just follow the template I attached. I will also leave examples of Thematic Diaries that the professor gave me. Please Let me know if you have any questions. Also single spaced 1100 total words.

Chicano Movement in East Los Angeles

Conduct a basic literature review on themes related to the Chicano Movement in East Los Angeles in the 1960s and 1970s. The references must only consist of books and academic articles.You will need to cite your references (3 to 5). At a minimum, the lit review should address the following: – What has been written […]

Read instructions

Watch : https://tubitv.com/movies/300834/escape_fire_the_fight_to_rescue_american_healthcare?start=true Please download this worksheet preview the document. Fill out the “yesterday” column before watching the documentary “Escape Fire (Links to an external site.).” These are things that you already know or do in service of health and healthcare for yourself, your families, at your workplace, in the community, and for public policy […]

BUS303 case1 mod 1

BUSINESS AND INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATIONLearning Outcomes Describe the essential characteristics of business communications.Describe the essential features of effective business communication addressed to persons from different cultures.Case AssignmentBusiness and Intercultural Communication Please review the background materials. Then read Chapters 1 and 18 in the Business Communication for Success ebook, and prepare one essay summarizing either: (Option 1) […]

Karl Marx P-2

The Question:Let’s talk Marx. Some questions to prompt your discussion: Of the concepts we have studied which are relevant today (give examples)? And what are your reflections on the central thrust of Marx’s argument?  Videos To Use:Marx Theory of Alienation:http://openmedia.yale.edu/projects/courses/fall09/socy151/embed/socy151_10_100609_emb.mp4 Marx Theory of Class and Exploitation:http://openmedia.yale.edu/projects/courses/fall09/socy151/embed/socy151_13_101509_emb.mp4 Why Marxism is On The Rise Again:https://www.theguardian.com/world/2012/jul/04/the-return-of-marxism Notes(s) To […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Search for the term “Logistic Regression” on Google News. You will see that it is a technique used in practice by professionals in many disciplines, especially in medicine. Browse and read 3 articles that catch your attention. Comment on how they use logistic regression and evaluate in a detailed and analytical way the conclusions drawn […]


Write an 8-10 page, double-spaced research paper on pornography using the website below to help you with formatting this paper.http://www.cbshouston.edu/images/pdf/cbs-writing-guide.pdf This paper must be original and with a works cited page at the end.

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