Discussion Post: Communication for Change

Watch the video, John Kotter – Communicating a Vision for Change at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bGVe3wRKmH0 Based on this video, assess the means of communication that are available to us as leaders. Review Kotters comments regarding communication, and efficient and effective communications. As the leader of a large organization implementing a change, develop a strategy for communicating your […]


The Graduate (Nichols, 1967) General Instructions: For this week’s discussion, select a moment from The Graduate that utilizes cinematographic techniques in meaningful ways. Your goal is to explain how cinematographic techniques contribute to the mood/tone/meaning of your chosen moment. Be sure to avoid scenes that are covered, in-depth, in the lecture. Write 200+ words.The Basics: […]

HRIS and Workforce Development

Topics for SelectionWorking within the framework of the Unemployment office, select one of the following HR-related issues. Focus on how HRIS would be utilized by public administrators to approach the specific topic in a more effective, more efficient manner.     Identifying performance issues with current employees and developing the means to improve performance.o    These activities […]

US foreign policy

Choose any 3 out of the 6 questions to answer 1.Choose one of these clips. What are the justifications for war articulated by President Franklin Roosevelt, President Lyndon Johnson OR President George W. Bush?2.Given the goals of U.S. foreign policy, in a paragraph explain why blowback happens. Why people around the world object to U.S. […]


The Patient Protection & Affordable Care ACT has been the health care law for the past ten years. The previous administration wanted to repeal and replace the law. However, they could not come up with a new health plan. The Biden administration is planning  to expand the ACA and have apublic option. AFFORDABLE CARE ACT […]

Answering Exercises for Chapter 3

I need someone to help me answering the Exercises for Chapter 3Just these questions for chapter 3depending on the book’s explanation, and the uploaded data. This exercise utilizes the data set schools-a.sav, which can be downloaded from this website: www.routledge.com/9781138289734 1.    You are interested in investigating if being above or below the median income (medloinc) […]

A Reply needed, Only a rebuttle is needed

How could you design a bystander intervention in your workplace for sexual harassment? As a student of both sociology and psychology, I have found myself to be a firm believer in symbolic interactions and subsequently the social learning theory. This is not to say that what we learn from our role models is set in […]

discussion forum

Answer two question in a separate post. You need to post a link in every forum regardless of whether you have Student’s Choice or not. Be aware that articles from “Investopedia” and “Wikipedia” do not count…you need to be more academic than that. Please separate your responses to different questions into different postings. The topic […]

child development

A term paper of no less than 1500 words. This will be written on a Child Developmental topic: The more you talk to a child in the first five years, the better the cognitive and/or language development will be. The Term Paper is to present a discussion based on a minimum of three articles, books […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Your audience will be a group of colleagues, community members, or friends who are unfamiliar with these ideas. Be sure to explain in a way that shows that you understand and can explain the information.Your role is that of someone who understands the information from a research perspective.The format will be a three-paragraph written piece […]

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