In the ruling, the Court states, “Parties challenging state abortion laws have sharply disputed in some courts the contention that a purpose of these laws, when enacted, was to protect prenatal life. Pointing to the absence of legislative history to supp

Make sure this essay includes transition sentences between paragraphs and that it is written in third person (he/she/it), not in first person “I” or second person “you”. Your introduction must include a hook and some background ideas on the topic.Your conclusion needs to go beyond repetition and consider the implications of your argument from a […]

NGO program analysis

Review paper: The review paper should present a thoughtful and original assessment of a report (hello future final report)as attached, focusing on the tool(s) or approach(es) based on the analysis in the PPT file as attached. The paper could consider, for example, whether the tool/approach used was relevant; how well it was adapted, combined with […]

Writers choice

Part I: Research Paper TopicFor this part of the assignment, you will identify one foreign criminal justice system as the topic for your research paper. Explain why you chose this topic, and make certain to include the information below.Explain the concept of comparative criminal justice.Identify how a foreign criminal justice system follows the concept of […]


For this assignment, choose a current or former supervisor or subordinate and think carefully about how the concepts from the Johari Window and Transactional Analysis applies to this current or previous supervisor/subordinate relationship. Think carefully about the flow of information and communication between the two of you, and also times when either of you behaved […]

Case Study

42-year-old man presents to ED with 2-day history of dysuria, low back pain, inability to fully empty his bladder, severe perineal pain along with fevers and chills. He says the pain is worse when he stands up and is somewhat relieved when he lies down. Vital signs T 104.0 F, pulse 138, respirations 24. PaO2 […]

Challenges in Disaster Recovery

The paper will address a problem or challenge related to the disaster recovery phase of emergency management. You must clearly identify the problem or challenge, its significance or implications to disaster recovery, its causes, possible resolutions and your recommendation. This is an analytical and prescriptive assignment: If you dont identify a problem, you dont have […]

any topic

topic:  The process of regionalization and the creation of regional blocs are controversial developments. Do regionalization and regional blocs contribute to the process of globalization or are the origins and purpose of these regional development too varied and distinct to be classified as parallel to the process of globalization Make reference to specific process of […]

Cybersecurity Policies

A small e-commerce shop is building its security metrics program. You are asked to help in selecting the metrics that should be measured. The table on pages 4 and 5 of the document, Building a Security Metrics Program, provides examples of different metrics that an organization can use to assess their security posture and measure […]


According to Bitzer, whats the rhetorical situation and what does it tell us about how persuasion works?For Goodnight, what are the personal, technical, and public spheres of argument?Goodnight makes a little case for a decline narrative, arguing that something is bad/gone wrong with our public argumentwhy? What does he point to as the reason and […]

course reflection (nursing research)

Read the course and paper outline materials write a course reflection (nursing research), answer the two questions below:With this new knowledge about the power of nursing research, what will you take away from this course?What are the findings of your critical appraisal paper?  What are your suggestions based on your findings?

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