Juvenile Obesity with and Without Parental Interventions Over 1 Year

You will refine the information from previous assignments to produce a final product. This will include an introduction, search history, a synthesis of evidence organized into 3 themes, biblical integration, and conclusion. The final submission must be 1,9002,500 words and contain at least 10 references to primary research articles. Current APA format must be used, […]

Health promotion

GymPact was an app that was released in 2012 with a great amount of buzz. The app monitors your visits to the gym, exercises, and meals as part of a wager. You promise a certain threshold of healthy behaviors and are paid accordingly. If you do not meet the conditions from your pact, you are […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

If Pia select system 3, only answer the two questions. 1. How should Pia mitigate the possible data security risks? 2. Is price an important factor when choosing the system? Why? The substance is more important than style but style counts. Treat the reader as your client. Determine what would be most appealing to my […]

Personal Economic Development Story

It does not matter if the assignment is about yourself(writer) or someone else that is made up.The assignment is a personal economic development story. You will research as far back as you can in your family to discover where they came from before coming here, why they came here, what keeps them here.  What were […]

Read my instructions

First, Please Read: https://about.fb.com/news/2018/01/sunstein-democracy/ Please address the following questions in your initial discussion post. As a reminder, your initial post should be approximately 100 – 250 words. How might social media undermine our capacity to think freely? Does social media enhance or diminish our ability to broaden our horizons (Links to an external site.)? Will […]

discussion questions

Assignment Details Teams have been a part of organizations for many years, with the functions and purposes changing as the needs of the organization have changed. A common emotion for individuals is to have an individual approach to their work rather than a collective effort. With this in mind, answer the following questions: How do […]

Clint Eastwood

Use either an Alphanumeric Outline, a Decimal Outline, or a sentence hierarchical outline.The list of resources you expect to use includes website, books and films. This should be in the form of an Annotated Bibliography give me the basic details of the director’s life and career. Identify some of the director’s most important films. What […]

Apply duty-based ethical theories to contemporary moral issues (Kantian Perspective)

Instructions In this research-based assessment, you will be applying a Kantian perspective to a contemporary moral issue. Current contemporary moral issues range from genetic engineering to issues related to the use of torture in wartime. For this assessment you will need to research contemporary moral issues and select one that will be the focus of […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

See attachments for instructionsNies & McEwen, Chapters 20 & 242. View Video: Family Assessment in Community Health Nursing athttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p77hAbldXvU&feature=relmfu3. View Video: Family Intervention in Community Health Nursing athttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lcL1GoGZflQ4. View Video: Caring for Rural North Dakota athttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2sXjcvFttTg&list=PLE9857E4F57A6A6CAItems DueOnline Activity:1. Visit https://www.acf.hhs.gov/and access the Programs tab. Review summary of theprograms you believe would be most helpful in […]

Practical, Purposeful, Wholistic Leadership

Read at least five empirical articles in your general dissertation field. In the “Literature Review Resources” document, provide the following for each source: The APA formatted citation.A brief annotation of the key points of the source.An indication of whether the source has been added to (Y) or excluded from (N) your RefWorks list. Please find […]

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