Briefly discuss how gaining more knowledge of nursing theory through participation in this course has improved your clinical practice thus far.

Briefly discuss how gaining more knowledge of nursing theory through participation in this course has improved your clinical practice thus far. Please be sure to provide specific examples. As a reminder, you do not need to cite scholarly sources as this is a reflection post. 

Explain how a liberal and conservative would approach developing the US budget.

initial Post InstructionsExplain how a liberal and conservative would approach developing the US budget. Use evidence (cite sources) to support your response from assigned readings or online lessons, and at least one outside scholarly source.   Congressional Budget Office. (2017). The Federal budget in 2017. Retrieved from

What do you do to ensure you have the correct knowledge and skills to improve student comprehension and depth of knowledge?

Effective teachers know their content and continue to improve their own understanding within the disciplines to ensure student learning. Are there subjects or topics that you struggle to teach? What do you do to ensure you have the correct knowledge and skills to improve student comprehension and depth of knowledge?      

Working Conflict Resolution Methods

Required Resources: Thinking Critically About Ethical Issues 8th edition by Vincent RuggieroRead/review the following resources for this activity: Textbook: Chapter 8 Lesson Minimum of 1 professional ethics code IntroductionDifferent ways to analyze ethical behaviors and dilemmas exist, and many of them will help direct you to the correct or “best” solution to a problem. As […]

Professional identity

Photovoice is a method used to visually  represent a concept or idea. When you use the method of photovoice to  explain a phenomena, idea, or circumstance, you think and communicate  more deeply through symbols and representation. In turn, your audience  may start to see what you describe in new ways. Please  review the document titled […]

Identify one major challenge (i.e. technology, policy, economic, personnel, global influence, educational…) facing leaders in the Purchasing and Supply Management field today and make two recommendations on how this challenge might be addressed to ensure

Identify one major challenge (i.e. technology, policy, economic, personnel, global influence, educational…) facing leaders in the Purchasing and Supply Management field today and make two recommendations on how this challenge might be addressed to ensure organizational success. Instructions: 1. Write a short essay (800-1,000 words; 3-4 pages) that provides a critical and thoughtful response to the prompt […]

What impact would it have on the government funded healthcare plan? Would it create a two-tiered healthcare system one for the general public and the other for the privileged class?

discus the following questions   1, Chronic health issues continue to affect individuals globally, especially when combined with poverty and government is unable to support it citizens. According to the National Intelligence Council, of the seven deadly diseases globally, polio, malaria, and HIV, along with TB, is likely to account for the overwhelming majority of […]

Describe why this was or was not a good economic decision for Google.

On August 15, 2012, Google announced an agreement to acquire Motorola Mobility, based in Libertyville, Illinois, for $40 per share. Both boards of directors approved the deal (Google). Describe why this was or was not a good economic decision for Google. Please incorporate what you have learned in Chapters 5 and 6 into your post. […]

When a team is working well together and the project is proceeding as planned, what can happen to derail even the high-performing teams?

300 Words/ No Plagiarism   Teams have been a part of organizations for many years, with the functions and purposes changing as the needs of the organization have changed. A common emotion for individuals is to have an individual approach to their work rather than a collective effort. With this in mind, answer the following […]

The Incident Command System (ICS)

1. The Incident Command System (ICS) is a tool for:          A. Command, control, and coordination at an incident   B. Interagency responses only   C. Multi-jurisdictional responses only   D. Responses involving first-response personnel only       2. ICS can be used to manage all types of incidents.     […]

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