Pharmaceutical Sciences

Please can you read the introduction file and talk about biofilm in pharmaceutical industry. Methods: This should be between 5 and 10 pages in length. All materials employed in the study should be listed with their source (company, product number and grade) in an Appendix at the end of the project. The Methods section should […]

Discussion – ENM2L4

Respond to each of the following questions. 1. Some students interpret Heglar’s essay, “I Work in the Environmental Movement: I Don’t Care If You Recycle” as, “There’s no use in recycling (or changing light bulbs, or installing solar panels, or adopting a vegan diet). There’s not much the individual can do.” But is that Heglar’s […]


Prof Virginia Research Paper 103 Guidelines Research Paper Topics COVID-19 (natural or man-made or climate change (man-made or natural Mind control Is 5G dangerous? Should we eliminate the electoral college? Gun control good or bad? Are extra cameras and lights necessary for our  security or an invasion of our privacy? Vaccines, especially for COVID-19 […]

Substance Abuse and the Family: It effects more than just the addict.

The paper should focus on how substance abuse and addiction affects and impacts the individual user and the family and should clearly address and present understanding of the following: 1. General progression of substance use in the individual;2. General progression of substance use impact on the family;3. Family issues specific to substance use (think about […]

Getting a valid sample in educational setting

There are two different discussions and they are highlighted in yellow.  The chapters for the course are attached as well to use for the citations.  You’re to reply to each of the discussions with a minimum of 200 words which is why I’ve ordered 2 pages, one page for each discussion.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

There are two different discussions and they are highlighted in yellow.  The chapters for the course are attached as well to use for the citations.  You’re to reply to each of the discussions with a minimum of 200 words which is why I’ve ordered 2 pages, one page for each discussion. 

Free Speech on Campus

You are the president of Camden County College and you are writing a memo to all of the colleges constituencies regarding the issue of free speech on campus. To the extent that you wish, you may include commentary on the following concepts, among others: First Amendment Hate Speech Critical Thinking Learning to make informed judgments […]

Presentation 2: Regional Christianity

As with the first presentation, this second presentation will involve creating a set of at least 8 slides and then recording a 4- to 5-minute video/audio narration of those slides.  Points will be deducted for going beyond 5 minutes, so carefully craft your presentation to feature the important highlights.  You will be using Canvas Studio […]


This exam is open note, open book. You may NOT consult other students. QUESTION 1: (20 points) In 300 words or less, explain the following: What is a termination for convenience?Do you think these are fair to contractors? Why or Why Not? QUESTION 2: (15 Points) Navigating the FAR What FAR section would you reference […]

Treating Childhood Abuse

In 2012, statistics in the United States indicated that state CPS agencies received 3.4 million referrals for child abuse and neglect. Of these, nearly 700,000 children were found to be victims of maltreatment: 18% were victims of physical abuse and 78% were victims of neglect (CDC, 2014). Child sexual abuse makes up roughly 10% of […]

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