
*** I have provide the outline, the only thing that needs to be is talking about it ** FYI This is from the professor ****I wanted to make sure that you understand that the 250 minimum word count is for your answer to why you have chosen the specific lesson and how you are planning […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Purpose: This assignment is designed to meet the following course learning objectives: Understand and critically analyze contemporary models and methods in mental health researchIdentify biological, psychological, social, and cultural characteristics and contributions to mental healthMore effectively solve problems and communicate with a broad audienceTask: You and your group developed an argument about a controversy in […]


Explain the concept of a knowledge worker.Define and explain nursing informatics and highlight the role of a nurse leader as a knowledge worker.Include one slide that visually represents the role of a nurse leader as knowledge worker.Your PowerPoint should Include the hypothetical scenario you originally shared in the Discussion Forum. Include your examination of the […]

Literacy Project

Read, analyze, and complete the attached files, then create a concise lab report using the following template add the forms to the report and upload to the submission point.Title of Experiment Lab Name Course Name and Number (all in upper Left-hand corner) Professor Date Introduction Describe what topics will be covered, and how they correlate […]

health economics

As an economic situation, market failure refers to an economic situation characterized by the inefficient distribution of services and goods within a free market. In the healthcare sector, a market failure entails inefficiency in service delivery and distribution of goods. Externalities entail the selected form of market failure explored in this case. Dewar notes that […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

This paper must critically engage with one or more of the literary texts examinedin class, as well as at least one of the critical essays covered in Criticism 1 or Criticism 2.They should be between 750 – 1000 words (3-4 pages double spaced) in length. Choose from one of the topics.1.In his essay What is […]

bad ad

Select what your group determines to be an ineffective advertising campaign and describe in detail why you believe it to be ineffective.  What target audience did the company choose?  Was it the right one?  What was their positioning, Big Idea, type of creative execution, and media strategy?  describe the shortcomes

William Blake Poetry

In a well-constructed essay of 4-6 typed pages, double-spaced with one-inch margins, write on one of the following authors: William Blake, Walt Whitman, Robert Frost, or Emily Dickinson. First, read two (2) scholarly articles (15-20 pages) on either Blake, Whitman, Frost, or Dickinson, and then write a summary of the articles. Next, using the information […]

Crisis Management

You and your team have started a consultant business that specializes in planning for crisis management occurrences associated with physical or personal protection issues. Your company has been asked to prepare a presentation for the management team to consider. Prepare a 250 word paper that explains the following: Examples of planned responses to corporate crises […]

Patient Satisfaction

This scenario is as follows: The main Urgent Care Facility within Bright Road Health Care System has experienced a marked decrease in patient satisfaction. As a marketing consultant, you will evaluate patient survey results and meet a couple of staff members. The patient experience evaluation elements include clinical, process, and environmental components. Based on this […]

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