Disscussion Post on Advertising Agency

Go online and choose a Toronto Based Advertising Agency to learn about.Create a post What Communication Family Tree are they members of?Who are their clients?What are some job titles?What are the duties they perform for their clients?


I want to write a story about this girl named Chloe who is being bullied by this girl named Zoe at school. I want the story to reflect and show how Chloe is feeling and how she overcomes those thoughts in her head and how she deals with that type of situation. This story needs […]

Unit 7

Watch the video below and read attachments with Unit 7 then answer the following 4 questions. Answer each question with a min 150 word per question: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ym2c_6zu24 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M3JOS6ptklw 1) Do you believe by the foundering fathers vesting all legislative powers in Congress, they have NOT created a true democracy but a representative democracy or dictatorship […]

Managerial Accounting

The following statement was made by the vice president of finance of the Electric Company: The managers of a company should use the same information as the shareholders of the firm.  When managers use the same information in guiding their internal operations as shareholders use in evaluating their investments, the managers will be aligned with […]

Christian Counseling

Scenario: Danielle was the product of a highly chaotic home in which the mother was addicted to drugs and abused alcohol on a daily basis. The four children in the home were removed by Child Protective Services and placed in foster care; Danielle was five at the time of foster care placement. She never knew […]

Summary and Personal Developmental Journal 2

In Modules 3, 5, and 7 the student will pick a section from the readings to date from God & Soul Care: The Therapeutic Resources of The Christian Faith, and write a 1-2 page summary of the topic.  Explain how that topic is useful to Christian counseling and your personal development from this reading. Topic: […]

This is a challenges and solutions essay that evaluates two programs that seek to end female genital cutting

Write a 2250 maximum word essay that has three parts: a brief (max 250 words) introduction, and then one section for program one (max 1000 words) followed by a section for the second program (max 1000 words). The main body of the essay focuses on the two programs you have researched. Each program write-up must […]

motherhood in prison

For this final project you are going to choose one of the provided topics and make a presentation covering this issue in corrections. You can make your presentation in Power Point, Prezi, or make a video. Whatever you think will best get your research across. There is no minimum requirement per-se, I care more about […]

COVID-19s Effects on the Economy and the Feds Response” written by Jane Ihrig, Ph.D., Gretchen Weinbach, Ph.D., and Scott Wolla, Ph.D

https://files.stlouisfed.org/files/htdocs/publications/page1-econ/2020/08/10/covid-19s-effects-on-the-economy-and-the-feds-response_SE.pdf Your writing should be typed in MS Word; font – Times New Roman, 12 points, double-line space.Remember that an article critique has four main parts and you are expected to include all in your critique WITH THE TITLE HEADS as 1. Introduction 2. Summary 3. Critique 4. Conclusion and References.

human resources

Below are each of the Core learning outcomes (CLOs) for the course. You are to show evidence of your knowledge of each CLO by providing research of at least three resources per topic.  Only one resource can be the text.  In addition, you will need to provide two organizational examples through your research for each […]

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