. Compare the Beowulf poets treatment of Grendel and the dragon. Do these monsters contribute to our understanding of the ethical /social values of Anglo-Saxon society? What purposes do the monsters serve in the epic? Do they help illustrate Anglo-Saxon

Compare the Beowulf poets treatment of Grendel and the dragon. Do these monsters contribute to ourunderstanding of the ethical /social values of Anglo-Saxon society? What purposes do the monstersserve in the epic? Do they help illustrate Anglo-Saxon ideals in Beowulf or other characters? DoGrendel and the dragon represent different kinds of evil? MLA format, cites […]

Public figure i admire

For your final essay for this class, you must write a research-based essay on a public figure you admire. You must get approval from your professor when you have selected a public figure before proceeding. Additionally, you should use at least two sources to support your arguments and claims about why you admire this person […]

Describing a picture

Imagine this coffee shop is where everything happen. How would you describe the setting? Try to use the three techniques we have talked about in class in your description (200-300words). You can talk on any point of view the barista a customer whatever u want

Analysis of the Film Mapantsula

Prompt: Write a critical analysis of the film. Your analysis should include, at minimum: A brief background (country of production, year, director, etc.)A brief summary and further analysis of what you believe are key scenes or moments, and how these scenes illustrate the themes of the filmAn evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of the […]

Connecting Intercultural Communication

Read chapters 5, 6 & 7. For each chapter choose one of the questions in the chapter to write a reflection. Each chapter reflection should be about 300 words each. For your initial posting, write your reflections on one of the For Further Thought? questions (or activities) found throughout the chapter of your textbook. Remember […]

Leadership Project Paper

Students should submit the Final Leadership Project Paper in APA-style, 10-pages, that includes thefollowing sections (please include the questions):1. An introduction of what your leadership project encompassed (who did you lead, what did youlead them on, etc?).2. What your particular leadership conundrum was all about (what did the issue focus upon,details,etc.)?3. A discussion of what […]

will give to writer

I have started writing my Literature review but I am having trouble finding the “gap” in the literature review so that I can state it in my paper. I need help finding the “gap” I have a number of different articles I have to use and finding the gap requires a lot of reading.

Teenagers and Suburban Space: Defining Problems, Designing Solutions

Annotated Bibliography please see feed back and make corrections. This is all tied together with  this essay. I added the annotated bibliography to give an idea the instructor purposely did not structure it as it should be. Also see the Writers Handbookpages 186-188, Creating an Annotated Bibliography for more guidance.Essay is 5 pages the last […]

Survey Design

Effective professional development is based on addressing the identified needs of the participants. Collecting and analyzing data prior to creating the professional development presentation is an important step in the professional development process. Once professional development has been delivered it is important to determine if the instruction has met learner needs or if further training […]

Social Justice in the City-Urban Design

This is just a simple summarization assignment for 4 readings. Follow the instructions below. Summary paragraphs should state the authors main idea or argument IN YOUR OWN WORDS (1-2 sentences). Then, in 4-6 additional sentences, highlight key evidence or concepts that the author uses to support that main idea or argument. Please write this using […]

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