Deontology Paper

Turnitin Assignment Content EthicsPHI 1600Second Written AssignmentRead chapter 3, watch Week 6 Lecture, and watch the films “Gone Baby Gone” and “Sleepers”. You can rent these movies in YouTube for $2.99 or watch here for free: Pick one movie and apply Kant’s moral philosophy to judge the MAIN FINAL action. For Gone Baby Gone judge […]


   1. What is the basis of vicarious liability? Ostensible agency liability? Contrast the two theories. 2. What can a hospital do to decrease its liability risks for vicarious liability and for ostensible agency liability?  (limit to 200 words or less)

Discuss Question week 5

  Women’s rights activists African Americans   Explain the socio-economic status and challenges of your minority groups at the turn of the century. How did the Industrial Revolution affect your chosen minority groups? Analyze how the Progressives brought reform to your selected minority groups. Do you find that the Progressives were successful in making government […]

Week 5: Concept Process Assignment #2 Due Sunday by 11:59pm Points 50 Submitting a file upload

  The purpose is to integrate basic concepts with systems disorders using analysis in support of critical thinking. Select a pathophysiology concept and systems disorder for which you have not previously completed an Active Learning Template (faculty may decide to assign a specific concept). Complete the three areas of the basic concept template describing this […]

health care delivery

Choose a disaster that occurred in a country (outside the United States) within the past 50 y  Use the attached rubric to guide your research of the disas Develop a 12-14 slide power point presentation of your research, identified risk factors and proposed plan


Develop an 8-12 slide PowerPoint presentation with speaker notes based on Apple. Develop an executive-level PowerPoint presentation with 8-12 slides that contain speaker notes and appropriate graphics. Create a SWOT analysis for the company to determine its major strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Based on the SWOT analysis, outline a strategy for the company to […]

Physics Lab

 After completing this lab activity, the students should be able to: Conduct the projectile motion lab Calculate the range and the height of a projectile, released at various angles Write a lab report Lab ReportThe lab report must include the following: Title Introduction Experimental Details or Theoretical Analysis Results Discussion Conclusions and Summary References Lab […]

Physics problems

In this assignment, you will complete homework questions specified below. You need to complete the work and upload the file here. The answers to the questions are given in the textbook. The instructor will provide you with the total points, if you have completed the assigned work before the due date for this module. You […]

Development of Self and Personality

respond to all parts of the assigned question numbering answers to match to the corresponding question. Each answer must be at least one paragraph in length demonstrating understanding and application of the required class readings. For the question under Let’s Discuss, in addition to completing all parts of the assigned question (minimum of one paragraph […]

Unit III Discussion

 Global remittances are international funds paid by migrant workers to farms so that they can work there. There is much debate about whether they should be included in the balance of payments. What are your thoughts on this, from both the business side and the ethical side? 

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