Project: Project Part 2

 Already the project one done. Now Project 2 needs to be completed.  Topic:       1.  Incident Management   2. Access Management   Primary focus should be on these steps. STEP 7 As a team you may select a different game template or keep the same one from the one your team used in Part 1.  […]

Wk 3 – Apply: Project Metrics

Answer all on attachment. Thanks. Use the (please open attachment) to: Create at least 3 measurable project objectives for each quadrant of the scorecard based on your analysis. Determine targets, timelines, and metrics for each objective. Explain the following in 350-525 words on the Balanced Score Card Template: Why these objectives are appropriate for the […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Paper instructionsRespond to the following in a minimumof 175words: How do you define primarygroup and secondary group?Which primary and secondarygroups have most affected yoursocialization process? Whatvalues, beliefs, or norms fromeach group have influenced you? In your opinion, which group inthe United States is the mostimportant or influential to themost people? (For example,Congress is a group […]

Introduction to the American Administrative State

must be 300 words   with at least 1 scholarly citation in APA format. Each reply must incorporate at least 1 scholarly citation in APA format.    A fundamental assumption of administrative reformers in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s was that politics could have only adverse affects on administration. How valid is that belief? Why? […]

Human Resources in Public Organizations

must be 300 words  s with at least 1 scholarly citation in APA format. Each reply must incorporate at least 1 scholarly citation in APA format.   Discuss the contributions to the human side of enterprise as articulated by Elton Mayo, Chester Barnard, Abraham Maslow, and Douglas McGregor. How does this organizational theory school of thought […]


  What have you learned so far in this course that will help you conduct effective health assessments? What skills do you have you gained? Describe any areas that are still unclear and ways you will gain clarity.

Understanding Diversity in Criminal Justice

must be 400 words with at least 3 scholarly citations in APA format. Each reply must incorporate at least 2 scholarly citations in APA format   Regardless of the philosophical approach one embraces with regard to the criminal justice system (due process vs. crime control, consensus or conflict model, or individual rights vs. public order), the […]

Segmenting, Targeting, and Positioning

Create an assignment focused on segmenting, targeting, and positioning. The assignment evaluates a formal approach to segmenting, targeting, and positioning as a foundational marketing activity, compared to an informal approach that combines a small business launch along with a feedback loop focused on segmenting, targeting, and positioning. A formal approach to segmenting, targeting, and positioning […]

Ethics in Criminal Justice

A common approach to addressing ethical dilemmas involves the “front-page test.”  This is a quick ethics test that asks whether you would feel comfortable with your decision if your action was published on the front page of a newspaper. The thought behind this test is — if you would not want your action to be […]


Each Discussion needs to be 120 words. Please find attached “Can Unions Survive Technology” Discussion #1 Review the  reading for this week (Can Unions Survive Technology). Provide a response to this article based on what you have learned in this course. Interact with at least one other student. Discussion #2 In many organizations, Employee Relations […]

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