The rest of part 3 pages 229-314

WEEKLY RESPONSE JOURNAL: Every week you are expected to write four pages,at least 1000 words, of reflections and thoughts about the reading for the week. I willprovide reading questions each week to help guide these reflections, but whether youstick to mine or develop your own is up to you. The purpose of these reflections isfirst […]


In the study of Vikings write an essay examining how the real-life historical and archeological evidence about them compares to their image in popular culture (movies, TV, etc.). Make sure that you refer to Julian Richards The Vikings: A Very Short Introduction as you write, but you can draw from Ivory Vikings as well if […]

A)short answer questions and B)Reflection: Societal Development

A) Answer questions on the concepts presented in the overview and the example of a growing body of research as captured in the article A Review of Facebook Research in the Social Sciences. (both provided below) Also, consider the question you posed about your advertisements in your observation journal (also provided) Then, in a short […]


After you are done reading the material, please write a short-answer style paper. Your paper should be double-spaced and run between 800 to 1,000 words. Please include the following in your paper: Answer the review questions appearing on page 12 of the “First Amendment and Advertising” document. If you decide to use bullet points anywhere […]

Designing a telehealth intervention for a rural population

write a 25-page research paper in current APA format that focuses on an applied topic of your choosing related to healthcare economics and decision-making in the healthcare industry or a healthcare facility. The paper must include at least 20 references. All references must be less than 10 years old. The topic is Designing a telehealth […]

BOGGS the first half of part III pages 157-228

WEEKLY RESPONSE JOURNAL: Every week you are expected to write four pages,at least 1000 words, of reflections and thoughts about the reading for the week. I willprovide reading questions each week to help guide these reflections, but whether youstick to mine or develop your own is up to you. The purpose of these reflections isfirst […]

Write an article summary on a peer reviewed journal with the topic of criminology.

          The article summaries provide students with an opportunity to familiarize themselves with various areas of criminal justice.Each student will be required to find, read, and summarize one article for each of the seven assigned criminal justice topics listed below.  The articles must be from peer-reviewed journals (do not include student-run […]

Safe Drinking Water Act

(1) 5 full double-spaced pages & at least 5 sources of ;information (excluding the textbook) used to write it(2) Use any style citation you are familiar with (e.g. MLA, Turabian, Chicago, etc)(3) You have wide leeway to structure & emphasize the content the way you wish (e.g. a general history; its purposes & has it […]

Reaction Paper on Church of Light

Description This assignment will ask students to write a reaction paper to the article “Emptiness and Empty Cross: Tadeo Andos Church of Light” regarding the role of culture and religion in architectural design and form. Required Materials Baek, J. (2010). Emptiness and empty cross: Tadao Andos Church of Light. Center: Architecture & Design in America, […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Modest Proposal Paper Instructions: 1. In the style of Jonathan Safran Foer’s “Let Them Eat Dog” write a satrical argument essay for a change to be made in American Culture. Your Paper should demonstrate:-Argumentation ability-Command of style that shows you are attempting to present your argument in a beautiful manner-Knowledge of the subject you select […]

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