
PLEASE MAKE THE ESSAY AS SIMPLE ENGLISH AS POSSIBLE TO FIT FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENT. I need an essay that talks about any art made during the twentieth centry and and answering the following questions. THERE IS AN EXAMPLE ATTACHED BELOW Formal Analysis: SculptureA. Material and Technical Means: Is the sculpture carved out of wood, stone, […]

Collegiate sports betting

The State of Mississippi is one of eleven states that participate in legalizing sports betting, which includes collegiate sports. Sports betting is an annually billion-dollar business.  As a scholar and a student ascertaining a master degree in this field, do you think collegiate sports betting will enhance or hinder the integrity of amateur college sports? […]

Dance as Art and Entertainment Discussion

Write a 500 word Discussion about Dance Art vs. Dance Entertainment…Compare and Contrast Find an example of a dance. (YouTube is a good source.) How would you categorize it and how does it fit into the categories presented in our lecture? Does the dance fit into one of our specific categories (Ritual, Cultural Expression, Sport, […]

Behavioral Intervention

Each class, students will be responsible for reading three research articles and completing written responses to the readings for that day. These responses are meant to facilitate class discussion of the assigned material. For each response, students will be required to write a one-page paper synthesizing the three articles.The following factors will be considered in […]

Sports Finance

I will provide 8 articles and I need a one page abstract for each one. Ill provide a copy of a sample abstract and how its supposed to be set up. Financial Issues in Sports Basic Fianancial Concepts Budegeting 101 Financial Systems Value of Money Capital Stocks Obtaining Funding […]

Gun Control opposing viewpoints

Present all sides of a debatable, controversial issue. The debate may have more than two sides. stay objective as it can become difficult and opinionated statements can start to take over–we must try to stay academic while “winning” the argument. use academic sources for essay  Three peer-reviewed sources are required. Use Academic Onesearch, JSTOR, or […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Step 1: You will choose several questions that came up for you in those assignments and you will set out to answer those questions with reliable sources in your first blog. Once you find sources that answer those questions well–remember dont post the first source you find, post the best source you find, the one […]

module 1

Task 5: EAST: see it, see, awareness, vision – The 4Rs: – respect, relationship, reciprocity, responsibilityThe learning modules in this course are organized around the four foundational values and ethics of respect, relationship, reciprocity, and responsibility. Read the attached article to gain a deeper awareness of the 4Rs. Reflect on the cultural concepts addressed […]

The 400 Blows film

WATCH THE FILM The 400 BLOWS 1959 (DO NOT DO Research ON DIFFERENT WEBSITES JUST WATCH IT THEN: WRITE 2 full pages OF A REFLECTIVE ESSAY BASED ON THE FILM INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING: – Reveals what a movie is about (its theme) and shows how you know that to be so (its techniques). – A […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

The case looks at the job of a district sales manager of a Silicon valley company when the industry faced a downturn. The district is under performing and one of the salespeople insists on putting the customers interests ahead of the companys.  Your job is to determine what is the best path forward for all […]

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