Account of the Use of Quipus

Read the attached document and answer the following questions:1. What were the quipus? What functions in society did they serve? What were the limitations?2. What role did the quipucamayus serve in society? Introduction:Garcilaso de la Vega, also known as El Inca, was a mestizo born in Cuzco in 1539 to a Spanish conquistador and an […]


VIDEOS: QUESTIONS:1.How can Universal Design for Learning be used to support students with and without disabilities? Give specific examples from your area of expertise (e.g., early childhood education or high school science). 2.How can culturally relevant, responsive, and sustaining education (CRT) be used to support students with and without disabilities? Give specific examples from your […]

The Baltimore Area Project

Assignment 2: The Baltimore Area ProjectDue: Sunday October 11th FormattingBlock formatting Suggested Length: ~ 4 double-spaced pages.o Outline format (i.e., similar to how these instructions are set up) is encouraged. Font: Times New Roman, 12 pt. Margins: 1 inch on all sides of page. Subheadings: Please use subheadings. References: Use APA citation structure as appropriate. […]


I was in NYPD academy around a year ago and I resigned because I was not in shape to perform the training but after almost a year I decided that I want to go back in and give my best to become an Officer to help others

Writing a paper on a known mathematician

Research a known historical mathematician like Euler, Newton, Leibniz, Galois or Lorentz.Discover the mathematician contributions to modern day mathematics.Explain how this mathematics may have influenced modern day life or how it has affected historical events in the word.Discover the importance of mathematics.Must be cited. 

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Product Category Schemata –Pick a product category. Describe your personal product category schemata (or associative memory network). Who are the leading brands in this category? Discuss the 1) product category risk, 2) utilitarian category value, 3) category signal value, and 4) category consumption visibility? How does all of this affect your perception of global brand […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

students should be able to describe and analyze the role of technology and managing for sustainability. Write a 3-page paper on the ethical challenges involving technology. Use at least 2 articles as a reference. APA style. Provide a key concept, analysis, and your conclusion.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Read the attached documents and answer the following questions:1. In simple terms, what does this legal document say?2. What problems or weaknesses of the Requerimiento does the author expose? The first attachment is the text of the document that Indians were supposed to hear before Spaniards waged a war upon them. A team of Spanish […]

Poverty and Domestic Violence

General Guidelines for Writing Essay #2 A major project for this course will be a review and analysis of the literature and a specific problem in criminology and criminal justice which each student will select. Specifically, you should do the following: Follow these general guidelines. Exceptions are possible,  but  they  must  be  discussed  and  approved  […]

Course Project

What Constitutes Sexual Harassment? According to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination that violates Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitutes sexual harassment when submission to or […]

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