Supplier and Distributor Relationship UNIT 3 DP

write 400600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas. There are 2 types of logistics relationships: vertical and horizontal. Complete the following: Describe these types of supply […]

Discussion Forum : The Looking Assignment

This Discussion Forum assignment is intended as both a “looking” exercise and a way to get to know your fellow classmates–the way they think, their aesthetics, perhaps a little insight into their soul… Next, find an image of the piece online and save a copy of it (you will be uploading it later). Get out […]

Low-carb diets discussion

Have you ever been on a low-carb diet or do you know someone who has been?  What were the benefits and the shortfalls.  Did you (or the person you know) lose weight?  Did you/they feel good physically?  What would you recommend to others? If you have never been familiar with a low-carb diet, look one […]

Stress and anxiety in college student during COVID 19

Introduce the topic and define your terms (what is state anxiety, trait anxiety, the big five factors model,etc.), all with proper references. Provide a coherent summary of the literature and critical conclusions at the end of each section. There are 3hypotheses. For each hypothesis, present background information. Relevant peer-reviewed articles with citations. In the last […]

Infrastructure Plan Part 4: e-Commerce and Knowledge Management

The purpose of this assignment is to describe how information technology solutions can enhance an organization’s competitive advantage (CLO 2.2), to  apply e-commerce methodology to support the goals of an organization (CLO 5.2), to applying knowledge management methodology to support the goals of an organization (BestBuy) (CLO 5.3), and to continue formulating a plan for […]

the effects fleet management has on a myriad of companies in order to identify how they are effective or ineffective at producing results. I will also attempt to identify challenges faced by fleet managers in the transportation and logistics industry.

The research paper should be based on a topic discussed in the course. The requirements of this paper include a cover sheet (using the 6 line undergraduate entry), 3-5 numbered pages of text, and a reference page. The research paper requires at least five references. See Supporting Materials for the information literacy toolbox and student […]

DB 7

Threads in response to the questions must reflect critical thought, relate the course content to real-world applications with biblical perspectives, and cite any sources used. The thread must be at least 250300 words. References will be provided to writer. Question:Why are control systems and data acquisition important? Discuss issues with securing data and systems. Research […]

DB 6 replies

You must post at least 2 replies to your classmates threads. The replies must be 100135 words each. Responding to a classmates post requires both the addition of new ideas and analysis. A particular point made by the classmate must be addressed and built upon by your analysis in order to move the conversation forward. […]

analyze a symphony from 1760-1780

For this project, the student is asked to choose a public work (symphony, concerto, concert aria,melodrama, opera) from ca. 1760-1780. You may organize the paper as you wish; below I outlinethe type of questions and content that should be the main focus of this project. Social and historical context [ca. 2 pages]Provide an overview of […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Final PaperPaper Content The paper will address any topic related to Medical Ethics that has been approved by your instructor.  Writing the Paper Must be minimum of 6 and maximum of 8 pages double-spaced pages of text in lengthMust include a cover page that includes the following:Title of paperLearners name Immaculata University and Course name […]

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