Any topic (writer’s choice)

The information you provided in your PowerPoint presentation on Threats to the Global Environment has led to productive debates at the United Nations General Assembly! Hence, they are now asking you to create an additional analysis report to respond to the issues raised in these debates. Your fourth project as a consultant for the United […]

A construction analysis about Laguardia Terminal B

trend analysis  and assessment for  the construction project of  Laguardia Terminal B under pandemic and in the futrue things need to talk aboout: funding addShortage of equipment suppliesComplete the project on schedule Conquering potential or upcoming local law in the future, such as Local Law 97 post pandemicLarge number of labors might be infected during […]


The CSR Report and program Critique (this is 20% of the Grade) Each Report Critique will be done by you individually. Your company is Exxon.  Involves reading and doing a critique of a company’s annual sustainability, CSR, or citizenship report. Assess the companys Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), sustainability, or citizenship report. Explain the extent to […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Answeroneofthe following questionsin essay form.Organize your essay, use specific  examples,  and  incorporate  materials from the readingsand  videos(if  applicable). Your essay must be at leasttwopagesin length.(150 points): 1.Discuss the events and competing ideologies that led to theonset of the Cold War conflict between the United States and Soviet Union. How did these things influenceU.S. foreign policyfor […]

International Competitive Advantages

Watch the video by clicking the following link, “Cirque du Soleil, a truly global workforce.” As many have pointed out, Cirque du Soleil incorporates ideas from various cultures into each of its shows. This is achieved by obtaining input for shows from the employees of Cirque. Cirque is a diverse organization with members from over […]

Toy Research Project

For this project, you will collect and analyze data on how race, ethnicity, and gender manifest in contemporary toys. You will need to go to an online retail site where toys are sold (e.g:, Once there, you will record data about the toys you observe and later you will analyze, using course material […]

Tencent Game company Marketing strategy

Using Hofstedes principal, do cultural differences in different nations affect the marketing strategy for the gaming industry?    CHINA & USA – identify differences in culture (comparing these two countries)    Analysis of companys (Tencent) marketing approach in each nationo    What demographics are they marketing towards?o    How are they reaching     Are their marketing approaches successful?

construction assesment about Laguardia Terminal B

a trend analysis  and assessment for  the construction project of  Laguardia Terminal B under pandemic and in the futrue things need to talk aboout: funding addShortage of equipment suppliesComplete the project on schedule  Conquering potential or upcoming local law in the future, such as Local Law 97 post pandemicLarge number of labors might be infected […]


Please answer the questions from the perspective of Sales Manager in the financial services industry. A companys strategy has to be supported by its various functional areas. For example, Steve Jobs brilliant strategy in iPhone could not have succeeded without Tim Cooks excellence in managing the supply chain. One of the main goals of the […]

slave narrative writing assignment

After reading both tragic accounts of Margaret Garner & Frederick Douglass, in what ways might a slave narrative (Garners account was written by a male) written by an enslaved woman differ from Douglasss account. Please respond in a few paragraphs making sure that you back up statements with evidence from both texts.

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