
Rip Van Winkle Images Part I: Read and analyze Washington Irving’s text, “Rip Van Winkle” ( 1813) “By Woden, God of Saxons, From whence comes Wednesday, that is Wodensday, Truth is a thing that ever I will keep Unto thylke day in which I creep into My sepulchre.” CARTWRIGHT Pre- Revolution Dutch Colony Post Revolution […]


Assignment:1. In Class: Read "Rip Van Winkle" by Washington Irving ( see text: 2. In Class: As you read, please listen to the following audiobook:• 3. In Class: Please read the following crittical text ( focus on the THIRD section): text Prior to writing: please explore the Venn Diagram modeling ( see attached): 4. Assignment: […]


ACCT 307 Accounting Information Systems Assignment 2 – The New Technology and Its Impact on Accounting 1 Assignment 2 – The New Technology and Its Impact on Accounting New technology advancements have always forced the accounting profession to evolve and redefines how accountants interacts with business processes. The objective of this assignment is to survey […]

Compare and Contrast Synthesis on Gun Control

you will be comparing and contrasting two arguments on a specific controversial issue. Please keep in mind that should you center your this around the arguments found in two specific sources, these sources should be representative of the specific argument at the same professional level. Make sure to utilize reliable sources that are academic nature […]

Researched Argument 1st

  PromptThis assignment offers the opportunity to join an academic or civic conversation and present an argument on an issue that matters to you. Research an issue of your choice, and present an argument that proposes a solution to the problem. You will need to consult 3-5 secondary sources for this ess/ay: At least 3 of them must be peer-reviewed […]

The Revolution had a positive impact on women because it ushered in improvements in female education, legal standing, and economic opportunity. Progress in these three areas gave women experience of life in the public sphere outside the home.

Grade Rubric. Use a minimum of six sources for your paper, and at least one must be a primary source INTRODUCTION & THESIS: Includes a clear thesis statement, an assertion, or position. The topic is original and manageable in a short research paper. /points 20 FOCUS AND DEVELOPMENT: The body of the essay focuses on […]

Comparison of Narrative

:This section of your final project is where you will complete an analysis of how best to understand this event in history, based on the primary and secondary resources you have studied. Use your primary sources in particular to analyze yourtwo perspectives on the event in question.


Up to this point in the semester, you have been presented with various representations of leadership i.e. movie clips, cartoons, quotations, etc.  You then ‘reflected’ on the meaning of the representation in light of the course concepts we are studying that week.  You were instructed to keep in mind the definition of reflection…a thought or […]

design e-marketing strategy to promote virtual tourism

    According this virtual tourism experience LINK, create a presentation, focus on below question    You will design e-marketing strategy to promote this virtual experience to be available to the market for sale. You will apply the marketing mix (e.g., target market, price, promotion) with focus on moving from the 4 P’s to 4 C’s.    Detailed description […]

Technical Writing

Refer to the “Inside Track”  evaluate all the tips presented to determine which you feel is the most valuable to technical writers in general.Explain which tip in particular from this section of your textbook seems the most obvious to a technical writer. Provide your reasons or reasons. Then, speculate why it was included.

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