week2 due 6/9

The Research Process Imagine you are in a fast-food restaurant where a lady tells you that she had heard there was a gene for liking or hating the taste of cilantro. You looked on the Internet to investigate this statement, and although you found similar comments on reputable websites, you are yet to find any […]

week 2 RM 6/13

The Research Process Imagine you are in a fast-food restaurant where a lady tells you that she had heard there was a gene for liking or hating the taste of cilantro. You looked on the Internet to investigate this statement, and although you found similar comments on reputable websites, you are yet to find any […]

week2 due 6/13

Creating the Literature Review Section During Weeks 2 to 6, you will create the Literature Review section of the research proposal. This week, you will develop the Literature Review section. Use the following guidelines: Find at least two articles each for Week 2 through Week 6 on the selected topic using the South University Online […]

assignment week 5

Disease Analysis Paper  For this assignment, you will select  a disease of your choice and conduct a detailed analysis of that  disease, exploring it from a balanced traditional and alternative health  perspective. Begin by searching the Center for Disease Control  (CDC) website Diseases and Conditions Index to choose a disease or  condition of interest to […]

week2 6/10

Modifying a Document For this assignment, you are provided with a sample research  . CYou need to take the sample research and modify the doc so it conforms to the APA format. Review the PDF doc and search for errors in APA formatting. Write a well-developed, two-p a g e APA identifying and discussing at […]

6/13 due week2

Critical Evaluations of Research You have been taught the components of good and bad research questions, as well as those of null and experimental hypotheses. Using the South University Online Library, select two articles. Summarize each article by writing short paragraphs and making sure to avoid plagiarizing. After each summary, critically evaluate each research question […]

Deliverable 2

Apply the normal distribution, standard normal distribution, and central limit theorem. Scenario Frank has only had a brief introduction to statistics when he was in high school 12 years ago, and that did not cover inferential statistics. He is not confident in his ability to answer some of the problems posed in the course. As […]


ntroduction to Assignment: The purpose of this project is the creation of a research proposal. A research proposal is one of the initial steps toward conducting research. Even though the research proposal is due in Week 10, the nature of this type of assignment requires you to work on the proposal throughout the course. Each […]

MBA695 Unit 1 Week 1 Discussion 1 & 2

   Directions After completing the readings, write your initial discussion post. Using each of the three readings (citing and referencing each one), compare and contrast common themes and viewpoints each one has about sustainable competitive advantage. Using an organization where you have worked, what might some of their sustainable competitive advantages be? Are they using […]


Write a few sentences (about 100 words) integrating a quote that you will be using in your homework. You can cite from the articles you will be using or you can cite from the novel itself for this activity. Be sure to connect your quote to the rest of your sentences. You can do this […]

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