Social Responsibility exercise

Answer the following four questions on proper waste disposal and recycling.  Your personal stance on corporate and civil responsibilities for proper waste disposal practices and recycling. Clearly explain, with supporting reasons, why you believe this social concern is important. You also must include a clear and balanced understanding that there are varying perspectives that may […]

Introduction Paragraph with thesis

One of the most influential paragraphs is the introduction. It is the first thing your reader sees, and like a movie trailer, gives highlights of all the best supporting details and/or evidence that will appear. The introduction will help the reader determine whether or not to read the whole thing.  Immigration You may need to […]


1 Deandre Robertson Professor Wright Course: Foundation Writing 22 March 2022 Title of My First PetWhen I was 12 years old I always wanted for my 13th birthday. One day I asked my mom if I can have a dog for my birthday she said yes but you have to take care of it. It […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Forum #1 Based on chapters 1-4 from “Lies, Damned Lies, and Science” by Sherry Seethaler and discuss with your classmates anything that you read (e.g., what you found interesting or controversial, what you agreed or disagreed with, and why). I will post instructions ASAP

Olympic Studies

Topic #1 (Unit 1)- Part 1: Regarding the ancient Greek culture, lifestyle, and Olympic Games: Do you feel the ancient Greeks were correct in their choices and decisions? Clearly state your argument(s) (pros and cons) regarding the above topics and provide examples of each stated standpoint. Part 2: Define the ancient Greek term honor.  Give […]

High street bricks-and-mortar retailers are increasingly conducting their business online. For a while their branding can rely on their high street heritage but how do you think the brand should be managed as the online presence comes to dominate?

The basic format of the essay should be a theory, concept or approach which is critically analysed. Then a case study or practical example should be presented that not only illustrates how the theory can be applied but also reveals further critical insights into the theory itself. TheOriginalityHas the student identified and analysed the unique […]


There is no set cap or limit on the words per answer, but as a guideline and base requirement, you must write at least 350 words per answermoreover, you are required to list the word count for each answer at the header for each short essay. Be sure that each answer follows a clear sub-heading […]

The Church’s Response to “Black Lives Matter”

This paper is to respond to the following question: How should the Black Church respond to the Black Lives Matter Movement, a movement that is not grounded in religious or theological language? Please use sources from “From Black Lives Matter to Black Liberation” by Keeanga-Yahmatta Taylor and “The Prophetic Imagination” by Walter Brueggmemann as at […]


product: electric bicycle similar like the e-scooter Individual project, each student will be assigned a different brand- product. you may consider their brand from a global perspective or from their owncountrys perspective. Each question should be clearly identified as a headline and answered as a separatesection of the paper. Questions: You need to prepare a […]


Answer the following questions in paragraph form using the text I provide only.1.Describe the Social Readjustment Rating Scale.2.Explain the physiological basis of stress and describe the general adaptation syndrome.3.Describe the basic features of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5).4.Describe the main features and prevalence of obsessive-compulsive disorder, body dysmorphic disorder, […]

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