Any topic (writer’s choice)

Page length 10-12  pages of a LITERARY ARGUMENTSources: 3-5 sources thesis paragraph, you want to try to argue that Millay’s play uses the genre of Commedia Dell’ Arte in order to show how war is unjust. Look at how the play tries to show that… She shows 1. the divide between the rich and the […]

cost of Higher education

Please read the article and watch the video on the cost of higher education.  In a well-written essay of at least 400 words.Please include a quote from the article in a body paragraph.  Marcus (2018) in his article The Reason College Costs More Than You Think, explains that college education is very expensive in the […]

paradox animation

Read and follow the following directions. Follow the rules for writing in this class: 12 point font, single space, one inch margins all around.Proofread and revise your work to minimize errors, especially No Excuse Errors. You can express opinions, but only after you have established that you know the material. The course is not really […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

With reference to lecture material and assigned reading, describe the use of taxexpenditure and direct expenditure or subsidy policy tools for film and televisionproduction in Canada. Explain how the Canadian Film and Video Production TaxCredit (CPTC) and the Canada Media Fund (CMF) help support Canadian film,television and digital media industries and develop existing markets for […]

Final paper and log of what you have learned in class

Write two pages (typed, double spaced, using a reasonable font size) convincing the reader how you will use what you have learned in this class.  Also, attach a log of what you personally learned from preparing for, and/or from participating in, each class session.  Please make entries on this log after each class session during […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Read the Case Study 12-2, Business Intelligence at CKE Restaurants. Then, answer the following questions: How does the Business Intelligence System (BIS) at CKE add value to the business?What are some tips for developing and using the BIS described in this case?Was the introduction of the Monster Thick burger a good idea or an example […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Read the Case Study 11-2, Dealing with Traffic Jams in London. Then, respond to the following questions: Assess the risks of this project.Given your assessment of the project complexity, clarity, and size, what management strategies would you recommend?What, if any, of these strategies, were adopted in this project?Describe the development methodology that was applied to […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

d1:What are the trade-offs between cost, quality, and time when designing a project plan?What criteria should managers use to manage this trade-off?d2:What is the difference between tacit and explicit knowledge? From your own experience, describe an example of each.How might an organization manage tacit knowledge?

mythology story about a challenge i have faced

I have to write a mythology story about overcoming a challenge I have face. Wow your mouth may be based off a challenging experience so imagine your hero to experience be sure to include other mythological elements such as magic, culturally relevant symbols and heroes that size the values and aspects of the culture you […]

Argumentative essay

This is an argumentative essay for my college history class. We use the “Give me Liberty” An American History Brief Volume 2 by Eric Foner. The following are the exact instructions from the teacher: You are to write an essay of no more than one single spaced page. You must use standard margins and cite […]

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