Scaleups affected by covid19

Answer the following question:HOW DO YOU THINK COVID-19 WILL AFFECT SCALEUPS? WHICH OF THE INDUSTRIES THAT WE HAVE DISCUSSED  IN  THE SESSION WILL BE THE MOST AFFECTED? Please support the reasons why covid-19 will affect scaleups. Regarding the industries, The industries can be: artificial intelligence, automotive, augmented and virtual reeality, bitcoin and blockchain, cybersecurity, financial […]


Please answer the following question:Having taking this course, do you think the scaleups are more interesting places to work than startups and large corporations? Please agree on this idea, look for reasons why scaleups are more interesting and explain it without adding sources. This should be done as personal opinion and it might be a […]

Why is Government important?

Write an essay (with introduction and conclusion) on the suggested topic.Your introduction should include the thesis statement – main idea of the paper (here is more detailed explanation – Don’t include any new information in the conclusion. It should  restate the thesis statement of the paper.Support your ideas with relevant arguments and examples (in-text […]

What is your version of the American Dream? What does that concept mean to you?

Write an essay (with introduction and conclusion) on the suggested topic.Your introduction should include the thesis statement – main idea of the paper (here is more detailed explanation – Don’t include any new information in the conclusion. It should  restate the thesis statement of the paper.Support your ideas with relevant arguments and examples (in-text […]

Sydney Retail Petrol Price Cycles,2019

Background: Economists are increasingly required to work in interdisciplinary teams and engage with members of the general public to express their research findings. In this assessment, your task is to educate a non-specialist audience about an issue of your choice pertaining to pricing data and the Australian petrol market. You will translate your advanced academic […]

sydney petrol priceing2019

Background: Economists are increasingly required to work in interdisciplinary teams and engage with members of the general public to express their research findings. In this assessment, your task is to educate a non-specialist audience about an issue of your choice pertaining to pricing data and the Australian petrol market. You will translate your advanced academic […]

Modern tensions of great powers (USA, China, Russia) from liberal prospective

ou must rely on key authors, provide quotes, notions PLEASE WRITE CLEAR  HYPOTHESIS Formal requirements: 4 pages,12 spt, times new Roman,paragraph 1,15-1,5, standard margins, single-spaced, no title page (just surname in the  first line, no plagiarism (use quotes with references, references if you paraphrase etc, references must be mentioned exactly where you cite -not at […]

What are the origins of fear for neuromarketing among university students and future workers?

I would like do have a specific and detailed research plan for my dissertation’s literature review and framework (either conceptual or theoretical). I have attached some information on my dissertation. Please refer to it as there are also quick research notes previously made on the topic. We are required to write 10 000 words total, […]

Strategy in Action – Short Case Memos

Write 2 short memos base on the questions for these 2 cases (Dunkin & Wawa), each one for half a page: Dunkin Donuts (attachment)    How has Dunkin Donuts product strategy changed over the years? Wawa (    How does Wawa differentiate itself from 7-Eleven and other convenience stores?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

*You should have at least nine (9) slides of information plus a title slide for your presentation for a total of ten (10) slides *Choose a slide design that suits you. On your first (title) slide, include a title of your choosing to introduce yourself. In the subheading, include the course number, assignment number, and […]

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