
In the second half of the semester, your focus will be on a specific case of language contact, language conflict, and language rights. Students have been randomly assigned to a case study. There is a document entitled “Groups for Final Project” on the ICON (In the “Assignment Descriptions” module) that lists the case studies and […]

Unit 7 Homework accounting

  Instructions For this homework assignment, you will need the   that includes your unit questions. Be sure to follow all directions and show your work for each problem. Upon completion of the homework, upload your file for submission to your instructor.    1. Susie Ques Inc., a company that produces and sells a single […]


415 W5 AD Quality Management and Communication Take a moment to review the details of this assignment below and gather any necessary files. Once you're ready to submit your assignment, move on to Step 2. Assessment Description The purpose of this assignment is to identify quality standards and requirements and communicate them to project stakeholders. […]


In not more than 2 pages Discuss the civil right movement of Martin Luther King Jr, and some of the civil rights acts that passed as a result of his activism. In addition, present the most essential points in a power point presentation for better understanding to your audience.


Submit the Work Environments Research Paper. Research work environments in two organizations. This paper should be no less than three full pages in length. Begin your paper discussing the importance of work environment and then report on those you have researched, why you believe those environments work for the organizations, and what skills the manager […]

based on that three topics

This is the group project. Do this two parts: Prepare a critical assessment of the projects [research required!]:o Where are they located? What are the living conditions in these areas?o What are the objectives of the projects? What needs of their target population do the projects meet?

The future of the International Order

Write a Political Science Essay about the “Future of International Order” (More details about the track are given in the “Instruction” file) using the sources that I have uploaded (it’s not compulsory to use all of them, and it’s possible to use external sources relevant to the track). Full details and guidelines are given in […]

writer can name this paper based on the topic

This is the group project. Do this two parts: Prepare a critical assessment of the projects [research required!]:o Where are they located? What are the living conditions in these areas?o What are the objectives of the projects? What needs of their target population do the projects meet?

Tourism policy in the Covid-19 era (in Dubai )

Tourism policy in the Covid-19 era: Drawing on relevant theories and frameworks, as well as recent articles, discuss the influence of the Covid-19 pandemic in the tourism industry, and assess whether a tourism destination should proactively impose preventive measures to stop the potential outbreak of pandemics. 2.    Guidance on approaching the topic: In developing […]

Security Risk

To survive and thrive in the 21st century, it is imperative that risk be identified, assessed, and managed in a proactive and effective manner. The threats and hazards our country must deal with continue to evolve, and at present, there are some that have recently risen to the forefront. These include, but not limited to: […]

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