Read the Instructions uploadedPLEASE cite and use MLA 8 edition This is still an argument essay and it still requires recent sources, and of course it features your analysis derived from your research guided by a strong thesis statement. This is not a narrative essay therefore “I” statements are not appropriate. Trump is still off-limits. […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Please answer this question, One paragraph for each question. Read– Read the chapters by Allison Questions1. Describe the key dynamics of China’s economic integration with the world economy today. 2. Describe the key features of China’s model of ‘market socialism’. 3. How are US-China relations characterized by both rivalry and interdependence?

Firms in Our Macroeconomy

In our session this module week we’ve been discussing the differences between micro and macroeconomics. Hopefully, you’ve learned a lot from our deep dive into the Circular Flow Model. Let’s put what we’re learning to the test! In this assignment, prepare a short essay that distinguishes the role of firms in our macroeconomy. In your […]

Research Question – Any topic

Create an annotated bibliography with 6 sources to help answer a research question of choice.  The research question must follow the research question handout in attachments. The 6 sources should have a summary of why it is relevant to the research question and an explanation of how or why it passes the CRAAP test (in […]

NYC during covid

Write a 4-6 page paper in which you discuss what it means to engage in art in New York City during our current COVID-19 pandemic. Many cultural outlets have been making attempts to provide artistic and cultural entertainment via a virtual forum.  How do you feel about this medium?  What do you think maybe lost?  […]

Decarceration Refledction Paper

Please do not use outside sources, I will provide the articles to use below, and please USE ALL OF THEM 4-6pp Times New Roman, double spaced Your paper should answer the question: What did this project teach you aboutincarcerated populations and the public sphere? Papers should engage with course content. Consider how this social group(incarcerated […]

Characteristics of Writing in Different Disciplines

you will discuss how different subjects or disciplines approach topics differently. The three subjects or disciplines discussed in Chapter 6 are academic/scholarly; history; and pop-culture. You will write a 5-paragraph essay discussing how the three articles approach the topic of camouflage using the same features differently. -Each paragraph must have a minimum of seven sentences-Essay […]


Explain and evaluate Kierkegaards view that only subjective thinking can know the truth about God, and Tillichs view that God cannot be proved but only experienced as ones ultimate concern.Explicate and evaluate the feminist claim that traditional religious concepts of God are sexist.Describe some of the central claims of Hinduism and Buddhism and how these […]


Choose a scene from Raisin in the Sun where talk about dream and hopes is very present, and rewrite that scene from the perspective of Hope or dreams as if they were a character or a narrator. Personify Hope or Dreams. How would they view Younger family? What would they think of the younger familys […]

my four month as a private prison guard

third person perspective,developed introduction,thesis located at the end of the introduction,three developed supporting points,transitions between points,original insight,evidence/support (quoted references to the text),a developed conclusionproper syntax and grammar usage.

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