Wealth gap activist profile

You will choose 1 activist or activist group and create aprofile that explains who they are, where they can be foundonline, what they do, how they present or discuss your socialissue, and how they impact the wider community.After you explain the background on your subject, youwill begin to discuss how they effective and ineffective atrepresenting […]

Microbiology report

Brief Introduction: State the purpose of your investigation. A Maximum of Three (3) sentences for the introduction should be good. Materials: State materials you used in investigating your unknown organism. A couple of sentences. Method: Describe the steps you used in identifying your Unknown I. You can paraphrase the me steps in the lab manual. […]


The goal of this final exam is to create a report centered on the impact of the COVID19 pandemic on immigrant communities. The report will include the following sections:     An introductory section presenting the most recent data on the pandemic for New York City, such as for instance, an update on the number of […]

It appears we have a new President and VP. If you were Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, how would you apply your project management tool box in the first 90 days of the presidency? What projects would you add to the project management office (PMO) for the f

It appears we have a new President and VP. If you were Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, how would you apply your project management tool box in the first 90 days of the presidency? What projects would you add to the project management office (PMO) for the first year?  How would you use communication to […]

Charles Long “Signs”

Instructions for Critical Response Papers(1.5-2 pages single-spaced 12pt Times New Roman; Upload separate file for each response)    Signs (Charles Long) pp. v-10; 139-170 (Response for each Chapter) Supplemental Readings    H.R 109 Resolution to Create a Green New Deal (https://www.congress.gov/116/bills/hres109/BILLS-116hres109ih.pdf)    Carmen G. Gonzalez, World Poverty and Food Insecurity in Penn State Journal of […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Employers of today focus on several types of performance appraisals. The below article discusses how more employers are shifting from the traditional numerical ranking system performance appraisals to a qualitative approach. Read the article from the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) by Dori Meinert, (2015)https://www.shrm.org/hr-today/news/hr-magazine/pages/0415-qualitative-performance-reviews.aspx Your supervisor has tasked you with creating a new […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Overview: Business law impacts our everyday lives, both personally and professionally. Businesses enter contracts, manufacture goods, sell services and products,and engage in employment and labor practicesactivities that must all adhere to certain laws and regulations. Recognizing and evaluating legal issues is afundamental skill that will help you navigate commercial relationships and avoid potential problems in […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Mr. Russell is a 73-year-old Caucasian male who presents to your clinic with complaints of palpitations and intermittent light-headedness for approximately 1 month. He is currently being treated for hypertension and is taking HCTZ 25mg daily. He also is complaining of heartburn and belching after eating a large meal. Vital Signs: B/P 159/95 (right arm), […]

Administration of Justice Organizations

This is a continuation of the Disciplinary Assignment Part 1. Students read the following journal articles found in the Reading and Study section of Module/Week 7. Judge, Lisa A.  (November 2005).  Disclosing Officer Untruthfulness to the Defense: Is a Liars Squad Coming to Your Town?.  The Police Chief, 72(11).  Serpas, Ronal, & Hagar, Michael.  (August […]

Administration of Justice Organizations

Creating Intelligence Systems in Corrections How can communication be improved in an organization that is structured in a traditional bureaucratic form?How might computerized communication be utilized to improve the effectiveness of communication in a bureaucratic organization?How might computerized communication be ineffective? Stojkovic, S., Kalinich, D., & Klofas, J. (2014). Criminal justice organizations: Administration and management. […]

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