AC003: Communication

 Part 1 is a 1-page executive summary paper that includes a short description of the criminal justice policy you will be arguing for or against.  Part 2 is a 5- to the 6-slide presentation in which you create an executive summary that describes the information presented in each of the visual aids you selected. Then, […]

Module 14: Leadership and Ethics no.2

I need professional help to do my discussion paragraphs with two responses as explained in the attached. If you don’t get what is attached, please don’t take the job. The mentioned price is what I am willing to pay.

Module 14: Leadership and Ethics no.1

I need professional help to do my discussion paragraphs with two responses as explained in the attached. If you don’t get what is attached, please don’t take the job. The mentioned price is what I am willing to pay.

Web Research

Pick one topic from Chapter 6 and one from Chapter 8. Each one should be 250 words and submit your answer here. The topic are assigned in the word fileBe sure to include citations.You have to use Internet Resources from Project References or you can find new resources.      The students participation in each […]

Meaningful use

Meaningful use is changing the requirements and needs of healthcare. Why, what, where, and how items are reported has changed the way healthcare is performed. For this discussion board, pick one item from meaningful use and describe how it has changed healthcare.Required 2 sources citation in APA 7th.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

As a teacher, you have an opportunity to share the knowledge you have gained in this course with your colleagues to collaboratively approach health, nutrition, safety, and wellness goals. In this final project, you will create a presentation for other educators in your center focused on developing a program that values health, nutrition, safety, and […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Choose one of the following health and wellness themes:Engaging in physical activityNutritious eatingIllness or infection preventionStaying healthy in schoolStaying healthy at homeIn your presentation, Choose only one health and wellness theme from the list above.Construct a presentation for an audience of children and their families.Identify at least five teaching points directly related to your chosen […]


A1. The Affordable Care Act holds a provision that hospital systems complete a community health assessment and consequently, develop a strategy to address community health needs. Drawing on Mason et al. Chapters 11 and 77, what potential do you feel this holds to improve community health and how might this relate to nursings’ role – […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

I need to respond to 2 of my classmates as part of an online discussion. I have attached the following files: FILE***Classmates 1 and 2 discussions file. —> this file contains my classmates’ posts and I need to respond to them. Each response should have from 100 to 150 words. Please respond in the same […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

The exam will be available for you here to access and complete from: 9 November (4pm) to 11 November (4pm) You have a 48 hour window in which to complete the exam essays and upload them via the Turnitin links provided. Part A (24 marks): Three (3) short essay questions (choice out of five) based […]

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