Discussion Assignment

Below are the questions for which you will prepare a well-developed and written 1 paragraph (or longer) answer per question/sub-question:  **It is expected that your answers to each question/sub-question below will be 1+ well-constructed and organized paragraphs. More than one paragraph may be necessary based on the nature of the question. Using the Five Forces […]

Data Mining

1) In your own words, Discuss in details the following data mining tasks. For each task, make sure to discuss what the task does, three real life applications, and three algorithms. (Your answer goes in the answer sheet and MUST be at least one and a half pages, single spacing). A. Association rules. B. Classification […]

Comm 2307

Answer only five questions. Write the question and your answer below. One or two pages for each question; type in double space. Write answers clearly in your own words; if you quote or paraphrase from someones work, cite the reference. Be crisp and to-the-point The answers should reflect your understanding of the subject-matter. Do not […]

Learning Environments

Teachers consistently work with their colleagues to create environments that allow for individual and collaborative learning, and inspire confident social collaboration, active commitment in learning, and self- motivation. As a part of this effort, teachers interact with students, families, and colleagues to build a safe, constructive learning climate of honesty, mutual admiration, support, and inquiry. […]

week 7

Many in the field of social psychology suggest that there is always some level of self-interest in any type of giving act.  This can include doing something for someone else just to make oneself feel better.  The most common explanation tends to involve some kind of exchange, meaning that people do things because they want […]

Assistive Technology Device Matrix

Assistive technology (AT) is a supplemental resource that may be a mandated requirement for many students with disabilities within their IEPs. In a typical resource room, there are a variety of AT devices that may be incorporated into instruction by the special education teacher. Research two low tech, two high tech, two augmentative, and two […]

Nature vs. Nurture and Continuity vs. Discontinuity

  Nature vs. Nurture and Continuity vs. Discontinuity: The implications of Biological and Environmental Influences on Child Development and Learning   How much of an impact can be made in classroom How much of an impact do environmental risk factors have on impeding positive developmental outcomes How might Continuity of Care decrease the risk factors, thus […]

Which led to Japan attacking the US which led Pearl Harbor

U.S./World History Assignment: Research Paper.Length: 3-5 pages (not including charts, graphs, maps, etc.), typed and double spaced, 12 point font, 1.25 margins.Topic: Your choice, but must be relevant to our class or of some other historical or global importance.Sources: At least 5 sources, 1 from internet, 1 from book, 1 other(magazine, encyclopedia, interview, etc.).Paper Due: […]

Discussion 2

Aliens have invaded the planet, and everyone is [understandably] worried. Let’s say you are presented with a similar scenario shown in Independence Day.  Do you think the aliens are here to hurt humanity, or are they just curious as to what our world looks like? How will you keep you and your loved ones safe- […]

Race and Crime

Please read the directions carefully I already have the paper written but I need two pages filled in for the cover page and abstract becasue the directions say no abstract or cover page. If you have to use the two articles at the bottom of the second attachment but you might not have to. Also […]

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