Trump has Made the Covid-19 Pandemic Worse

For your final assignment, you will write a problem solution argument.  This essay is an amalgamation of everything youve learned this term.  The problem is completely up to you; use your noggin.  But remember, the problem must impact more than a few people and you want to consider your audience.  Does the audience care?  If […]

Reading Discussion: Putting Statistics to Work

In this discussion, you will share your thoughts and reactions to the weeks readings by engaging in conversation around a set of prompts. You should discuss at least 2 of the prompts in a meaningful way and contribute at least 3 total posts. You may also discuss any general thoughts or questions about this weeks […]

Reading Response: Crouch, Introduction & Chapters 1-8

Crouch, Culture Making, introduction & chapters 1-8Finally, submit a 2-page, single-spaced response to this reading that addresses the following: Author details: Provide their full name, institutional affiliation, areas of expertise, notable publications, and any other interesting detail(s) you can find by doing a web search.Definitions: List 2 words/concepts you did not understand when you came […]


This week will be the Final Examination. You will have the entire week to review the Essay and write a well-thought out response to the prompt. Be sure use historical thinking skills and take a stand on the prompt. In addition your essay should include a discernible and defensible thesis statement. Directions: Using the knowledge […]

Video Discussion: Redefining Work

First, watch the 2 videos below in their entirety (about 70 minutes altogether). (These videos are part of a 2013 conference by The Gospel Coalition (Links to an external site.) titled “Faith at Work.”) Video links provided below Second, post your carefully considered response to the following prompt in a paragraph of at […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

We probably all have read a newspaper at some point in time.  Maybe at some point you have wanted to be a journalist; well, heres your chance.  You will write a print journalism news-story for this assignment with some information that will be given to you below.  You are to write this story as if […]

Best Business Practices for Photographers

Please remind us of the title and author of your book, then write a short descriptionof what you learned from reading the book. Tell us what was the most useful, andwhere the book might have missed its mark!The book is Best Business Practices for Photographers (3 rd Edition) By JohnHarrington

Integrated Marketing Communication using only website references SEE REQUIREMENTS IN DESCRIPTION

WORK WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF IT DOESN’T MEET THESE 5 REQUIREMENTS#1. Use only references from websites on the internet:#2. These must be websites with articles that are free for me to access to read #3. These cannot be websites where I would have to buy a book to see read the reference.#4. These cannot […]

need to see a streamed live performance of a play. Describe with details elements from the production that you found exhilarating, provocative, evocative and the like or what you found disappointing, unfulfilling or distracting, etc

Fourth Paper Guidelines:For this paper you will need to see a streamed live performance of a play within this quarter.  You can find some recommendations for this quarter.  See “What’s Streaming” in the Resources section.  If you choose Hamilton on Disney Plus, make sure to see the notation also on that page.Before you write, please […]

Financial Management (Need calculation and explanation)

Question A corporation would like to recapitalize its capital structure by issuing a bond. Bonds from this corporation had been rated as BBB+.  Which one of the following bond issues poses the least risk to the issuer corporation? Explain your answer in detail. Bond    Currency    Issue Volume    Issue Price    Denomination    Coupon    Maturity DateA        […]

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