Pick one case study to answer questions for

Pick one of the following four case studies and respond to the questions. Your response should be 300 words or more. Be sure to use references (APA formatting is suggested) to support your answers. Roger is a starting guard on his college basketball team. He is a leader on his team, stays after practice to […]


Choose2examquestionsfromsection2ofthequestionslistfortheexam.Please(youmust!)includethequestiontextinyourdiscussionpost!EachQuestionmustbe200words.Section2-PersonalIdentity:1.Iftwopersonscouldinhabitthesamebody,wouldthisshowthatanimalismisfalse?Whyorwhynot?2.ADifferentPersonThoughtProbe(pg247in5thedition)fromtheintrotochapter4.Readthestory(andthoughtprobe)andanswerthesequestions:Issheanumericallydifferentperson?Whyorwhynot?Howaboutquantitatively?Whyorwhynot?Isshedifferentenoughtogetareducedsentence?Whyorwhynot?3.IfyourDNAwerefusedwiththatofacatsothateventuallyyouhadthebodyofacat(andyourmindwasleftintact),wouldthisshowthatanimalismistrue?Whyorwhynot?4.Explainwhythepossibilityofasoulswitchsuggeststhatthesoultheoryisfalse.5.ExplainJohnHick'spointaboutsoulsandhowheredityandenvironmentseemtoaccountforallofanindividual'scharactertraits.6.Aresoulsneededtoexplainanything(aboutourselvesorouridentities)?Ifso,what?7.Ifyourmemorieswereerasedbutyoursoulremainedintact,wouldyoustillbethesameperson?Whyorwhynot?8.WereYouEveraFetusThoughtProbe.Readandanswerthesequestions:IsthisconsequenceofLocke'stheoryplausible?Whyorwhynot?9.Whatistheinconsistencyobjection?(whatisitanobjectionagainst?)Whatisaresponsetoit?Doyoufindtheresponsetobeadequate?Whyorwhynot?10.Shouldwetrytoreformcriminalsbyerasingtheirmemories?Shouldwereformcriminalsbychangingtheircharacters?Isonemethodpreferabletotheother?Why?11.Isresurrectionamoreplausibleviewoftheafterlifethanreincarnation?WhyorWhynot?12.Whatimplicationsdoestherealizationthatresponsibilityiscloselytiedtocharacterhaveforourjudicialsystem?Wouldourjudicialsystembemorejustifweputmoreemphasisoncharacterthanonidentity?13.Whatisthecircularityobjection?(whatisitanobjectionagainst?)Whatisaresponsetoit?Doyoufindtheresponsetobeadequate?Whyorwhynot? 14.HowdoesWilliam'sthoughtexperimentaboutGuyFawkesunderminethepsychologicalcontinuitytheory?15.WhatdoesParfit'stransportertaleshowaboutpersonalidentity?

Documentary analysis 6

You will read and watch the weeks Learning Materials, and then watch Triple Divide [REDACTED] (Joshua Pribanic, 2017). Youll then write a 250-400 word response in which you consider whether you find the documentary persuasive and why, including any examples of how the documentary appeals to emotional reactions and/or logical conclusions. Try to use some […]

Documentary analysis 7

You will read and watch the weeks Learning Materials, and then watch Cooked (Judith Helfand, 2020). Youll then write a 250-400 word response in which you consider whether you find the documentary persuasive and why, including any examples of how the documentary appeals to emotional reactions and/or logical conclusions. Try to use some of the […]

Caribbean History

Write a story that describes a typical day in the life of a an enslaved woman in Jamaica. USE YOUR IMAGINATION AND BE ORIGINAL!!Here are some questions to help you think about the things you should cover What is the time period? When and where in the Caribbean? What does the person looks like? How […]

Lesson Plan

Create a written lesson plan for a 1-hour training session. The lesson plan should contain an introduction (5 min.), a body (50 min.), and a conclusion (5 min.) Ensure that your plan addresses the 9 Events of Instruction. For each of the three sections, indicate what you are going to do in the allocated time. […]

Descartes Mind and Body Relation

How do mind and body interact … defend Descartes’ view on this with a clear thesis in the introduction. Use 3 academic sources that talk about this and also use Descartes’ Meditation on the First Philosophy to quote from him specifically. This part can be done when explaining his general mind/body interaction section.

winter vs summer

Write a composition using one of the topics listed below. Your composition needs to be three to five paragraphs long. It must contain an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. TOPIC: Compare and contrast driving in the winter and driving in the summer.

Training and Development

Research an organization that is currently (or was previously) challenged in training and development and, assuming the role of a consultant, create/develop a strategy to address the challenges. You could, for instance, propose a new evaluation system, develop a revised training and development program, or devise an innovative compensation philosophy and program. The key is […]

Organizational Systems Comparison

Background Information: Companies generally organize themselves into tall (vertical), flat (horizontal), or wide organizational structures.  When you picture an organizational chart, the CEO of the tall organization generally leads from the top and leads from a distance. There are typically lots of spaces steps between leaders and employees with a well-defined chain of command. In […]

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