US History to 1877

YOU select three of the follow questions and answer them to the best of you abilities. Please proofread, provide in-text citations, and a reference page for any information (you DO NOT have to cite my lectures, but you should cite the readings to receive full credit). Please post you answers by 11:59pm on TUESDAY. Define […]

Managing information-principles of management

    Delta AirlinesAtlanta, Georgia All airlines and airports lose bags. After all, they must handle thousands of bags per day, sort through the bags on each plane like a 500-piece puzzle dumped on the table from a just-opened box, and then rush them to the right connecting planes or baggage carousels. The challenging logistics, however, […]

history of the internet

With your partner your need to make a website about the history of the Internet based on the videos in this unit. Your website needs a homepage, team page (about you and your partner with a link to linkedin), an about page that describes that this is an assignment for the course, it needs a […]


Write a paper (2,000-2,500 words) in which you apply the concepts of epidemiology and nursing research to a communicable disease. Refer to “Communicable Disease Chain,” “Chain of Infection,” and the CDC website for assistance when completing this assignment. Communicable Disease Selection ChickenpoxTuberculosisInfluenzaMononucleosisHepatitis BHIVEbolaMeaslesPolioInfluenza May choose any communicable disease, does not matter Epidemiology Paper Requirements Describe […]


1. Executive Summary: Very Good.  No changes necessary. 2. Introduction: Incorporate Iran’s nuclear program and the politics associated with it.  Less on history.  Iran’s nuclear ambitions will be the theme of the report. 3. Demographics: Incorporate charts or tables to visually reflect the demographics. 4. The history of modern state formation, economic development and authoritarianism: […]

Public Health Issues

Research public health issues on the “Climate Change” or “Topics and Issues” pages of the American Public Health Association (APHA) website. Investigate a public health issue related to an environmental issue within the U.S. health care delivery system and examine its effect on a specific population. Write a 825-word policy brief that summarizes the issue, […]

Woman in Global Leadership

Instructions: Follow carefully Research global women business leaders. Choose one of these leaders and write about her leadership accomplishments based on what you have researched as being her most distinguishable leadership traits, characteristics or practices. By now you should be well versed in APA style, therefore, you should follow all tips provided and submit a […]

About me

Things to include:    General family background (e.g. Siblings? Other countries/provinces you may have lived in etc.)    Strengths and weaknesses     Interests, hobbies or sports     Likes and Dislikes     Favorites (e.g. books, films, music, singer, film star)    Person you most admire or look up to     Hopes and Dreams

Operations Management for Managers

For this Module 2 SLP Assignment, you are required to Continue working with the company you founded in Module 1. You have already analyzed a key process improvement,  and productivity. It is now time to add TQM to the mix. TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT (TQM)The SLP focuses on the quality and quality management of your company. […]

Control-Making airports more secure- principles of management

Making Airports More Secure Everything you do as an official at the Department of Homeland Security is about control. Your task is to maintain strict security standards at all U.S. airports, while also trying to keep things running smoothly and efficiently. As the training program you created repeats emphatically, and as recent events have demonstrated, […]

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