
I have uploaded the directions for the assignment You have done this paper for me before and I would like you to improve it as it’s not effectively developed through strong connection back to the readings, I’m not looking for you to just review the game. I want you to find some facets of the […]

individual assignment

Choose a company that you have recently seen in the news because it is having some sort of problem or scandal, and complete the following:Discuss the situation, and describe how the company could use distributions and probability statistics to learn more about how the scandal could affect its business. If you were a business analyst […]

Participant observation

Self Help Group Field Notes # 2The critical assignment for this class involves 2 on site field visits to observe your group of choice. Students will study a group through the use of participant observation. Participant observation is a qualitative method of data collection. Observation methods are useful for providing researchers ways to check for […]

Managerial Epidemiology (offer minimum one real-life example)

InstructionsYou were invited to conduct an in-service on Managerial Epidemiology and Decision Making in Healthcare to newly hired employees. Please develop 3-5 minutes educational presentation offering the trainees insight on: 1. Why they need to know about Managerial Epidemiology (offer minimum one real-life example) 2. What type of data and studies they should be familiar […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

The information below will provide the requirements for this assignment.For this assignment, your responses should be double-spaced using 12-point fontand one inch margins all around.Your completed Exam should be submitted to the Exam One dropbox by Sunday,October 11, 2020, and no later than 5:30 p.m. Your responses should cover at a minimum, two pages for […]

Caring Analysis is a 300 pages novel. The work is based on it:The Price of a Child (1995) Lorene Cary.I have attached the instructions and also a sample paper of how the professor wants the work to be done.


Prompt:1.Pick an example/s from the Disney case of how Disney succeeded or failed in adapting new technology to its business?2.Support your example with:– Facts from the case– Concepts from the book (Five Truths)– Your experiences as consumers3. Conclude clearly Writing up – key question?Define the problem, question, discussion?Are thee any relevant outside frameworks, theories?Any relevant […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Organization I am using is American Heart Association The balance sheet shows the financial picture of a business at a given point in time. It is what theorganization owns versus what they owe.The income statement shows the profit (or revenue-positive position) versus the loss of an organizationover time.For this phase, utilize Merrill Lynchs handout on […]

Financial Dashboards

Financial Dashboards Select ONE of the following industries of interestFinTechAsia TourismPackaged food South AmericaBeer & Wine EuropeeCommerce Asia or AfricaFashionAuto Insurance Select 2# companies from the industry that you have chosen. Both the companies should be in the same country.Dashboard#1: to showcase a Compare and Contrast of main KPIs that you think are essential to […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

DO NOT use a SWOT analysis to describe  or the internal environments. For the internal environment, determine if the company has any distinct competencies that could be exploited to gain and sustain a competitive advantage. What is the company good at?  What is the company not particularly good at? Expand on the items we covered […]

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