Statistics project –

Hello, I need a project in the field of Introductory Statistics. All information and guidelines related to the project are included in a pdf file  down below.  Here are the additional files of samples. N.B.  need only part A


New Clients Health & Fitness Gym Date Prepared: Client Membership Cost Locker Annual Total Years Total Due Down Payment Balance Monthly Payment Andrews Deluxe Yes 1 Baker Individual Yes 2 Carter Family No 3 Dudley Deluxe No 2 Evans Deluxe Yes 3 Foust Individual No 1 Gardner Individual No 2 Hart Individual No 3 Ivans […]

Health & Fitness Gym

   EX16_XL_CH02_GRADER_CAP_AS – Gym Management 1.7 Project Description: You are a sales representative at the local fitness center, Health & Fitness Gym. Your manager expects each representative to track weekly new membership data, so you created a spreadsheet to store data. Membership costs are based on membership type. Clients can rent a locker for an […]


BMT 2770: ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION Milledge Mosby Jr.PrinceGeorge's Community College Advertising and Promotion (Mosby 2022) This text is disseminated via the Open Education Resource (OER) LibreTexts Project ( and like the hundredsof other texts available within this powerful platform, it is freely available for reading, printing and "consuming." Most, but not all,pages in the library […]


Experiment 4. Specific Heat of a Metal LEARNING OBJECTIVES The students will be able to learn 1. The concept of conservation of energy. 2. That heat flows from a hot object to a cold one. 3. That metals are good conductors of heat. Metals have low specific heat; for a given energy input to a […]


You are about to complete Project One, which is on the next page. First, review your project guidelines and rubric criteria. Project Guidelines By completing this project, you’ll be demonstrating that you can determine an appropriate research methodology and design aligned to a specific research question. Scenario You are a research assistant for a faculty […]

Week 3

  First Exercise – Chapter 5 – Explain your understanding of Idea Generation and Concept Design and Testing in developing advertising strategy. Second Exercise – Chapter 6 – How do you position a product or service so that it is differentiated from products or services of competitors.  Excerise 3 Why does the allocation of media […]


In general, it is better to also show the numbers and methodology you used to calculate the answer, step by step, instead of simply showing the calculated value. Provide as many intermediate reducing calculations as you think are needed to clearly indicate what you were trying to do. That way, you may still receive partial […]


CSCI304 Computer Networks Project 3 Simulation of Ping and Traceroute The objective of this project is to hone your skills in: 1. Socket Programming 2. Network Simulation 3.

Macbeth tragic hero essay

analyze the character, Macbeth, and decide whether or not he can be considered a tragic hero based on the following characteristics that all tragic heroes possess. 1. unyielding-stand firm on their beliefs 2. make no apologies for their actions3. set goals 4. know the value of sacrifices 5. willing to make sacrifices 7-9 paragraph essay […]

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