Using Business Drivers and Analysis of Effectiveness: Correlations

Next, download the file Sample Data ( Prepare a chart similar to the one in the downloaded file to indicate whether the correlation between Variables A and B were found to be positive, negative, or minimal. Provide explanation and justification for your decisions. In your own words, explain what it means if the correlation of […]

Individual Written Report

Assessment: Individual Report Individual Written Report 2000 Words – Summary Students will be required to identify and critically characterise an entrepreneurial new product in either the 1.    entertainment/event or 2.    CPG/FMCG industries, or3.    a service innovation within the Hospitality sector. The report will detail the 1.    the characteristics of the service/product, the market targeted,* a […]


Find an article in the health economics literature that is (1) interesting to you, and (2) not beyond your abilities from a math and/or theory perspective. The article can be drawn from the peer reviewed academic literature, or it can be a paper published by a reputable organization (U.S. or foreign). It may not be […]

Police brutality

This paper needsA thesis How has it impacted our community or everyday lifeProblem and solution Who is usually the main targetDirect quotations from sources Statistics/percentages (if any)How can this be preventedA conclusion

Brave New World

Write a 5-8 paragraph double-spaced essay on one or more of the following topics in Brave New World:  Science, Technology, Happiness, Drugs, Government, Freedom, Religion, or Relations between men & women What was Huxley trying to say about this theme through symbolism or motifs in the novel? Make sure you understand the ending. Does Huxley […]

Assignment 1

Research and summarize the corporate social responsibility policies of a business where you are a customer. Would you adopt similar policies and why? Is there anything you would modify? Submission Requirements: The assignment grade will be based on how thorough and detailed your product is.Proofread the content of your posts before making them public. Proper […]


Name of project: Logika    – The app shall be able to generate a random 4-pin color code that remains hidden from the user.     – The app shall be implemented in such a way that the users task is to guess the secret color code.    –  The app shall enable the user to specify his/her […]

How does implementing bedside handoff for patients from PACU to units nurses compare to the current practice of handoff at the unit nurses’ station effect immediate post – operative patient safety outcomes?

the outline is attached. I have some websites that might be helpful.

introduction and method

Overview  of cell reprogramming through history include key findings, recent progress, and potential of using reprogrammed cells for tissue transplantationUse of fibroblast x hepatoma hybrids to identify key regulatory genes in fibroblast identity (including the  genes you are testing). Include a summary of results from the 2010 manuscript  from my lab (attached), with number of […]

Week 2 Discussion

Main Thread For this discussion board forum, complete the module reading assignment from the Northouse textbook, then select 2 concepts of interest to you and research the concepts in peer-reviewed journals. Submit a thread of at least 500 words examining the relationship between the selected concepts and leadership. Then use the Merida text and other […]

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