The assignment is to compile data and write a research paper on the 3 adopted fire inspection codes in the city of Dallas Texas.

RESEARCH PAPER:The assignment is to compile data and write a research paper on the adopted codes in the City in which you reside. If you do not live in a city, use a city near you for your study.This paper should address: The history of the adopted codes in the city Dallas Texas Date of […]

Illustrate the lack of intercultural communication by clearly defining cultural patterns (theories, identity, and bias, for example) and communication devices (such as communication foundations and taxonomies) between two cultures. Select one or two inter

How do the two countries differ in their cultural patterns? How does communication play a role in each culture?What communication devices were used by both parties in this example?How did these devices work or not work in this particular intercultural communication example?What key intercultural communication theorist would you enlist to help solve this intercultural communication […]

Perfect competition

1. An introduction that presents your topic and why this topic is important.2. The essay should address the theoretical part related to the topic.3. You should analyse the example from the real life (practice) case study.4. The essay should have the brief conclusion that summarises the key findings of youressay and what have you learned.5. […]

Write a research question, thesis and outline

Choose any topic as long as it has two clear sides and is not agreed upon by most of society. I do not have a preference on what topic so whatever the writer chooses to write about will be fine as long as it satisfies the requirements in the guideline.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

I have three more papers, Performance Appraisal, Employee Discipline and labor Relations. Will you be able write these as well? HR Project Assignment “Compensation Total Rewards” paper due this week (Sunday 17 May). This is an APA written paper with 1,000 – 1500 words not including your reference page or cover paper. Please keep the […]

Nietzsche Excerpt Analysis

This is a 4-6 page essay on Nietzsche regarding the topic I have attached to this request. Please use in-text citations, as well as other additional sources to support your arguments. Please let me know if you have any questions and I will be happy to answer.

Journal of Social & Personal Relationships

Relationship Researcher:  Short research proposal.  Choose an article that interest you from one of the journals below related to couples relationship.  Use your article to generate a research proposal.  Identify a question left open by the articles results and propose a study to examine it.  Specify your research question, hypothesis, proposed method (including participants, procedure, […]

Coding HW

Programming Project: Write a program to read housing prices and calculate the mean and standard deviation. The data for this project comes from this file: prices.txt -Exemplary Credit (10/10)Program sorts data in descending order (using a function)Program calculates the median (using a function) -Satisfactory Credit (7/10)Program uses a function to read data into an array […]

algorithms of numerical differentiation and integration and their estimates of convergence

This assignment is based on computations using Forward Difference Formula, Backward Difference Formula, Central Difference Formula, Simpson’s Rule, Richard Extrapolation, and Composite Rectangle Rule, etc. I attached chapter 4A,4B, 5, and 6 notes in file. I believe this assignment is only based on chapter 4A, 4B, and 5, but I am not sure if it […]

Changes between Old and new Hollywood

Given what youve learned this term, would you say that Hollywood Cinema, has significantly evolved over time, or has it remained pretty consistent, in its predominant narratives, genres, structural conflicts, ideologies, aesthetic approaches, and engagement with prevailing social and political issues? If you think its changed, then how? If you think it hasnt changed, but […]

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