Choose a state and review the scope of practice for the advanced practice nurse. How does it compare to Florida?

Submission Instructions: Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources. Your initial post is worth 8 points.You should respond to at least two of your peers by extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts. Your reply posts […]

film tech paper

In this assignment you will research one of the following topics and explain, in your own words, what it means, how this might affect a production, and why you would or would not choose this technology for a production.  This paper is meant to be a position paper, sort of like an expanded pro/con list, […]

compare the statue (man dressed in a roman toga, called ” the orator “), with ( bodhisattva statue from ghandara)

please find 5-7 resources about the 2 statues.try to make my research paper same as the ( sample research paper pdf ).word count : 1200-1500 words.references: MLA citation styleabout the font you are free to choose a suitable font for research paper such as Times new roman or Arial.. regarding the size it should be […]

Behavioral and Situational Approaches to Leadership

Main Thread For this discussion board forum, complete the module reading assignment from the Northouse textbook, then select 2 concepts of interest to you and research the concepts in peer-reviewed journals. Submit a thread of at least 500 words examining the relationship between the selected concepts and leadership. Then use the Merida text and other […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Discussion 11.1 (Provide a follow up response to the noted below classmates discussion) 1. Share with classmates an interesting case or educational experience from the practicum setting which is noted right below. Provide a follow up discussion/response to this classmates discussion that was posted. This is for a Nurse Practitioner Rotation According to Aston (2018), […]

Colonism and Slave Trade in Ghana

For your selected country, identify the former colonial ruling country.Identify your selected country’s date of independence from the colonial ruling country, and discuss the length of time the slave trade operated there.Discuss how the depopulation and fractured familial relationships inherent in the slave trade have affected your chosen country. Be sure to support your discussion […]

Small Business Case Study

Read the case study very carefully and provide a response that addresses the issues identified (some of which are less than obvious!). Your challenge is to identify as many issues as possible, prioritize them, and then delve into each one in appropriate depth. Each of those criteria is up to you to determine. We will […]

Melting Pot or civil War case against open borders

Please answer the following question from readingg the Intro, Chapter 1-3 in the book: Melting Pot or Civil War A Son of Immigrants Makes the Case Against Open Borders. Make sure you use quotes form the book and citation to justify reasoning. Discussion Question: What is Salam’s basic argument against open borders and the logic […]

viruses and bacteria

Introduction paragraph – What are the characteristics of a living thing?Body paragraph(s) – Discuss viruses and bacteria. Use your opening paragraph to help guide writing. For example, which organism(s) is a cell? Which organism(s) reproduce? Which responds to stimuli? Etc.Conclusion – Use this final paragraph to tell me whether a virus and/or bacteria are living […]

A Countrys Political, Economic, Legal, and Technological Assessment

AS Description: The purpose of this assignment is to understand a foreign country through its various environments, such as the political, economic, legal, and technological environments. International and global companies use this information to determine if conducting business in a foreign country is viable. AS Instructions: Using well known websites from the internet, complete a […]

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