
 200 words Imagine you are assigned to lead a counseling group for people who are mandated to participate (involuntary). Using the concepts presented in this lesson, describe what modifications and considerations you would make when facilitating the group. Do you agree or disagree that people should be mandated to attend groups?

Events Literature Review

Im an international hotel and events major and need to write a literature review 1500 words that relates to my topic. Please see 10B51DD for what students topics were last term. Please note before I ASSiGn a writer I need to know what the topic is so please take a look and tell me. I […]

Just research on a company of my choosing

Just a 2 page MLA or APA paper on any company that a business person might consider working for.  Say, going into finance (stock trading or even accounting)…the kind of “looking into” a company one would do. See attached assignment.  It is not a graded assignment…just something I need to have done.

Write a research essay on the business of your choice

Just a 2 page MLA or APA paper on any company that a business person might consider working for.  Say, going into finance (stock trading or even accounting)…the kind of “looking into” a company one would do. See attached assignment.  It is not a graded assignment…just something I need to have done.

art history

Please read Goldthwaite pp. 29-66 and answer the following questions. Please remember that you are not allowed to consult outside sources and that each response should indicate the page number from the text where you found your answer. You don’t need to write in your own words, just find the short answer from the book […]

industry briefing paper

For this individual assignment, you are asked to produce a fully referenced Industry Briefing Paper for the Marketing Director of a company of your choice. Note, the size/scale of your chosen organisation [SME, multinational, domestic vs. international], industry/market sector) will be important when writing up your implications for this paper! The paper needs to be […]

Research on a Company of my choice (like you’d do if carefully selecting a company to work for)

This is just a basic paper on any company (see attached assignment) of my choosing that I just need to research as if I were seeking employment there. This is not any type of graded paper, however, I have several things backed up (including a presentation in the morning I’m working on), so I need […]

Larson Colombia Assimilation or Marginalization of Indians?

1. Introduction w/ a thesis2. Core section that (a) summarizes the reading and (b) responds/reacts to the reading by addressing one or more of the following questions: How is the assigned reading related to ideas and concerns discussed in the course?For example, what points made in previous course materials, class discussions, orlectures are treated more […]

Difference in discrimination in the North and South (Second Source: Part 2 of Black Boy)

Richard Wright painted a pretty clear picture of the South What was life like for him and other Black people in the North You could research housing discrimination in Chicago and other forms of prejudice that exist both in the North and South

see instructions

In recent years, with the ready availability of online consumer reviews, consumers have increasingly resorted to online reviews for information and decision support. In fact, according to Forrester Research, more than 80 percent of online consumers consult others reviews when making purchasing decisions. Online consumer reviews have become a major assistive mechanism for consumer decision […]

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